Return to Workplace 5-Day Implementation Service

Mazik Global Inc.

When you choose the Microsoft Return to the Workplace solution to restart your business, use the fastest implementation team to get it done right.

Return to the workplace with confidence, safety, and direction. The Microsoft Return to Work solution protects employees and customers, allows businesses and schools to safely reopen, and begins the process of restarting local economies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a Microsoft implementation partner for almost two decades, Mazik Global has a deep understanding of the Power Platform and implements Microsoft business solutions globally.

We use rapid implementation methodologies to deliver the standard Microsoft Return to the Workplace solution in one week so you can start seeing value fast. Our team not only configures and deploys the Return to the Workplace application, but trains your support team as well.

The implementation includes:

  • Deployment of Microsoft PowerApps
  • Deployment of the Return to the Workplace application
  • Loading customer-specific data
  • Providing a solution overview session
  • Configuring out-of-the-box features based on your customer data
  • Conducting training for system admin support personnel
  • Providing a smooth handoff of the solution to your IT team

Features of the Return to Work app:
  • Comprehensive solution to manage risk and reopen
  • Leaders & facility managers collaborate on readiness
  • Employees use a simple app to check-in & return
  • Health & safety leaders manage employee cases
  • Integrate existing or Microsoft partner systems

Implement faster, to your specifications, anywhere. With Mazik Global.

At a glance