Insights Transformation : 1-Hr Briefing


1 hour briefing session on C5i offerings in Power BI and how C5i can help customers on their insights transformation journey.

This 1 hour session will help customers get an understanding on:

• Modernizing their current insights into landscape • Moving to a cloud-based environment for their consumption layer • Managing a large self-service environment • Augmenting their current processes with insights

C5i creates value for businesses through 360-degree data synthesis, solution tool-kits and frameworks for specific business questions, deep industry, and domain expertise, Digital Suite and Research Suite to accelerate solutions, application of AI and next-generation technologies for cognitive automation, and enhanced knowledge discovery, and a focus on actionable insight. C5i shares a strong alliance with Microsoft. C5i is recognized by Microsoft as a Gold Cloud & Data Analytics platform partner. With Microsoft Azure and PowerBI stack, we help organizations derive maximum value from their data and infrastructure investments, and build a strong competitive edge through multiple efficiencies and democratic access to essential information.

At a glance