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DMS and ECM Interface for SharePointKUMAVISION AGUser-friendly ERP interface for SharePoint Online
Applicable to:
Business Central
eMEMO with Digital signatureNKUSI-IT Specialized ServicesSimple, easy eMEMO with digital signature approvals
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2 out of 60
accoPLANNING Preview - Writeback, Planning, MatrixAccobat ASVisual with writeback directly in Power BI for planning, master data (MDM), budgeting, forecasting
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
3 out of 60
Elevate Online MeetingServerDataStart a meeting instantly, or schedule an appointment and invite others, directly form Outlook!
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4 out of 60
SeAMateNexusOceanAIEnhance your productivity with AI powered email assistant for maritime industry.
Applicable to:
5 out of 60
BeyondChangeSerialNoBEYONDIT GmbHChange the serial number for a service item including open and posted document entries.
Applicable to:
Business Central
6 out of 60
Landis Attendant Console for Microsoft TeamsLandis Technologies LLCLandis Attendant Console is designed to make Teams call transfer & handling as efficient as possible
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7 out of 60
AIRRE- AI Complaint ManagementKBQuest Hong Kong LimitedAIRRE is an AI complaint management solution.
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8 out of 60
CrystaliGenius S.p.A.Crystal è lo strumento di Decision Intelligence che utilizza l’AI per l'analisi dei dati aziendali
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9 out of 60
DMS and ECM Interface for SaperionKUMAVISION AGConnect your ERP system to Saperion ECM
Applicable to:
Business Central
10 out of 60
ProE-SCM 365 Dispatch & PackagingYAVEON AGDispatch orders, transports, planning, routes, packaging incl. empty packages and labelling
Applicable to:
Business Central
11 out of 60
Policy Management Software - ConvergePointConvergePointNew ConvergePoint Policy and Procedure Software on Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
PI PerformThe Predictive IndexPI Perform by the Predictive Index: an app for managers + teams that guides workplace relationships
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13 out of 60
Dynamics ATSDynamics ATS Staffing & Recruiting CRM ATS for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Intranet by Solutions2ShareSolutions2ShareYour All-In-One Intranet in Microsoft Teams
Applicable to:
15 out of 60
FileWall™ for Microsoft 365odixEnsure your Files are Malware Free across your Microsoft 365 Deployment
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16 out of 60
New HiresDalikoo Inc.The New Hires web part enhances internal communication by sharing updates on recent team additions.
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
Acterys Smart XLManagilityActerys Smart XL Visual for Power BI: Excel Flexibility and Dynamic Planning
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
18 out of 60
KrispCall For Dynamics 365KrispCall Pte. Ltd.Streamline sales and customer support operations with KrispCall and Dynamics 365 Integration.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
19 out of 60
SelfDrvnSelfDrvnRemote Workforce Management and Talent Engagement
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20 out of 60
Central LinksDalikooCreate links to use anywhere. If the URL changes, all locations get updated. No More Broken Links!
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Exifa.netSahir MaharajYour AI assistant for understanding EXIF data
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22 out of 60
Intellosync AIINTELLOSYNC TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDIntelloSync AI is an AI powered personal legal assistant that helps you draft and review
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23 out of 60
BI for DefenderPowerStacks CorporationEasily create custom Power BI reports and dashboards from Microsoft Defender with this app.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
24 out of 60
McFile for OfficeDestaque Gestão DocumentalManage your files safely and share them with your colleagues, without leaving Office.
Applicable to:
25 out of 60
McFile for OutlookDestaque Gestão DocumentalManage your files safely and share them with your colleagues, without leaving Outlook.
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
xiQxiQ Inc.AI-Powered, one-stop app for people and account intelligence.
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27 out of 60
xiQ for OutlookxiQ Inc.xiQ’s personality analysis, 360-degree account intelligence and business alerts within Outlook
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28 out of 60
RecruitBPMRecruitBPMIntegrate RecruitBPM CRM & Applicant Tracking System features directly into Outlook
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29 out of 60
Saketa Idea BoardSaketa.comYour innovation management platform
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30 out of 60
HoyluHoyluCollaboration software and workspaces for distributed teams.
Applicable to:
31 out of 60
RowShareROWSHARERowShare offers collaborative tables that automate your data collection process.
Applicable to:
32 out of 60
BDS Smart ToolsBDS Data SolutionDisponibilização de dados do mercado financeiro do Brasil e do mundo.
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
Health CheckERP Connect Consulting LLCTime for your FREE Business Central Health Check
Applicable to:
Business Central
34 out of 60
Impression Signatures for OutlookImpression SignaturesSecurely sign attachments, automatically attach signed documents to replies.
Applicable to:
35 out of 60
Saketa Idea Board - PROSaketa.comThe New Gen Innovation Hub
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
VT WriterVisibleThreadVT Writer: Your Gen-AI powered Writing Assistant for Regulated Industries
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37 out of 60
Sheet Sherpa (Sheet Switcher)Excel Engineering Solutions IncorporatedBoost mental focus with smarter sheet switching.
Applicable to:
38 out of 60
CloudMonitor Enterprise FinOps (FOCUS) - Azure Cost Management & OptimizationData-DrivenLower your cloud costs with cost optimization, recommendations and a strategic Azure FinOps strategy
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
39 out of 60
Saketa Employee OffboardingSaketa.comBring Auditability And Process to Exits
Applicable to:
40 out of 60
Intranet by Solutions2ShareSolutions2Share GmbHEasily integrate your intranet in Microsoft Teams® and provide your users with a modern experience.
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Automated Order ManagementWebSan Solutions Inc.Automatically decide the orders to fulfill when inventory is limited
Applicable to:
Business Central
42 out of 60
Training AssistantThe Bot Platform LtdA Training Assistant for Microsoft Teams built by The Bot Platform
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43 out of 60
Business Central Sales CockpitBI4DynamicsAnalytical overview of Business Central Sales and Receivables transactions.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
44 out of 60
OIXIO GPAIS for LithuaniaUAB OIXIOSolution helps the companies to calculate packaging and Waste and report to GPAIS system
Applicable to:
Business Central
45 out of 60
JobmakerB.V. SelegoA 100% digital career coaching platform that empowers employees and streamlines HR processes.
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Premium Capacity Monitoring tool by Office SolutionOffice SolutionReduce your PBI premium cost by 25% and Performance up to 30%
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OIXIO SAF-T for LithuaniaUAB OIXIOOIXIO SAF-T solution to create standard audit file for Lithuania State Tax Inspectorate (STI)
Applicable to:
Business Central
48 out of 60
Entrilia for ExcelEntrilia Inc.Instantly pull and organize private equity reports directly from the Entrilia Fund Accounting system
Applicable to:
49 out of 60
Magic Grid PBI Report Burst SolutionOffice SolutionMagic Grid PBI Report Burst Solution
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50 out of 60
Magic Grid PBI Write Back and communication SolutionOffice SolutionMagic Grid PBI Write Back and Communication Solution
Applicable to:
51 out of 60
timeoutBRICKMAKERStimeout - Digitale Urlaubsverwaltung
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
Berrycast: Record Your Screen & Share It With EaseTechnologies Openmind Inc, LesDead simple to use screen recording tool.
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
BriefCase365Redenbach Legal Pty LtdLegal and professional services practice management and billing system
Applicable to:
Customer Service
54 out of 60
DewdropzDewdropz, Inc.Use Nudges to build team connection, shape culture and improve wellbeing for a happier workplace
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55 out of 60
verbMAILVerb Technology Company, Inc.Create and send interactive videos directly from your Outlook account in just a few clicks.
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56 out of 60
Electronic Check SignaturesWebSan Solutions Inc.Automatically print signatures on checks within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
57 out of 60
Landed Cost ValidatorWebSan Solutions Inc.Calculate Items' Landed Costs and Post Freight Costs to the General Ledger
Applicable to:
Business Central
58 out of 60
Progress Payment InvoicingAP CommerceA better way to handle prepayments for purchase and sales orders
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Business Central
59 out of 60
CB Exchange Server SyncConnecting SoftwareSynchronize and migrate data between different servers, domains or versions of Exchange/Outlook
Applicable to:
60 out of 60