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HierarchySlicerDataScenariosCreate a hierarchy of different fields and use it as a slicer with Power BI.
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Power BI visuals
1 out of 60
Ultimate KPI GmbHShows a value, its variance to a reference value and its variance to 2nd or 3rd refetence value.
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Power BI visuals
2 out of 60
MarkdownBritva Technologies LLCWork with Markdown in Word
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3 out of 60
Hierarchy Chart by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCStreamline your organizational insights | Power BI Certified
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Power BI visuals
4 out of 60
ChatGPT ConnectoriEnterprisesUltimate AI tool that allows you to automatically compose emails, answer emails, translate messages
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5 out of 60
InVisionInVisionApp Inc.Bring design collaboration to life.
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6 out of 60
Zebra BI CardsZebra BIInsanely flexible KPI scorecards. Multi-cards with variances, sparklines, comments, drill-through.
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Power BI visuals
7 out of 60
RemindMoonbear Ventures LLCReminders for Microsoft Teams
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Office app
8 out of 60
Inforiver Reporting MatrixxViz LLC dba LumelThe most comprehensive matrix for Financial, Management, Variance, Paginated & IBCS reporting
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Power BI visuals
GPTZeroGPTZeroGPTZero detects AI-generated text right inside Word. Just highlight and get results!
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10 out of 60
Zoho CRM for emailZoho Corporation Private LimitedPowerful, contextual CRM inside your mailbox
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11 out of 60
Image by CloudScopeCloudScope, LLCDisplay beautiful data-bound images with tooltips and links using urls from your Power BI reports.
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
Fractal Model SFractal Model LLCFractal Model X™ is an Excel-based technoeconomic energy storage modeling package.
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13 out of 60
Office@Hand Meetings for OutlookRingCentral Inc.Schedule an Office@Hand Meeting with just one click
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14 out of 60
Rosie AI - ChatGPT for ExcelRowsie AIYour AI assistant for Excel - helping you write formulas, analyze data, and uncover insights.
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15 out of 60
SecureMailMerge - Advanced mail merge for OutlookSol Inventum OÜPrivacy focused advanced mail merge Outlook add-in to send email campaigns and newsletters.
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16 out of 60
Sparkline by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Displays the trend of multiple measures or category items on a single line, minimizing the footprint
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Power BI visuals
17 out of 60
GANTT by LingaroLingaroTrack all your projects with full visibility of every phase and milestone!
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Power BI visuals
18 out of 60
Kahoot!KahootUse Kahoot! inside the teams!
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19 out of 60
Selection Slicer by Walnut InnovationWalnut Innovation LimitedMulti-category slicer/filter showing selected and unavailable choices
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Power BI visuals
20 out of 60
PP TimerAddinlyInsert a timer into your PowerPoint presentation. Add an analog or digital timer into your slide.
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21 out of 60
Planner GanttAnnabellPlanner Gantt is a tool that allows users to easily plan and modify Microsoft Planner tasks
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Office app
22 out of 60
AI Assistant for ExcelBIN XUAI Assistant for Excel - Transforming Spreadsheets into Powerful Tools
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23 out of 60
Heatmap by PowervizTRUVIZ INCAn Advanced customizable Heatmap with Colors, Shapes, and Small Multiples for detailed analysis
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Power BI visuals
24 out of 60
Data SlicerSCvation GmbHFilter large datasets with ease using bulk insert or interval conditions, including text/number/date
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Power BI visuals
25 out of 60
LanguageToolLanguageTooler GmbHAdvanced spell and grammar checker
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26 out of 60
Route mapWeiwei CuiVisualize trajectories on a map
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Power BI visuals
27 out of 60
Force-Directed GraphMicrosoft CorporationForce layout diagram with curved path. Useful to show connections between entities
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Power BI visuals
28 out of 60
Census Data MapAttadale Partners, LLCRenders common census data elements onto a map inside of a report
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
29 out of 60
Polls by Microsoft FormsMicrosoft CorporationEasily create a poll, collect votes, and view results within an email.
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30 out of 60
Line and Stacked Column Chart with TableDefinitive LogicA line and stacked column chart with a data table of values displayed below.
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Power BI visuals
31 out of 60
Synoptic Panel by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Make SVG images and maps interactive with Synoptic Panel!
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Power BI visuals
32 out of 60
Power BI Apps on AppSource - Exploration ToolDataChantAnalyze and explore all of the Power BI apps on AppSource within a Power BI App
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Power BI apps
33 out of 60
Multiple Axes Chart - XVizxViz LLC dba LumelVisualize data with multiple Y-axes, 10+ series types, 20+ chart configurations, annotations & more!
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Power BI visuals
34 out of 60
Advanced Pie and Donut - xVizxViz LLCVisualize categories as individual slices with multiple pie/donut chart types and functionalities
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Power BI visuals
35 out of 60
Timeline by QueryonQueryonA single-axis timeline packed with features.
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Power BI visuals
36 out of 60 automatically records, transcribes and sends notes to Microsoft Teams after meetings.
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37 out of 60
BreaktimeFlow Simulation Ltd.A quick way to tell everyone when you'll be back, because it's Breaktime!
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38 out of 60
Zoom for Microsoft TeamsZoom Communications, Inc.Start, schedule, join Zoom Meetings and Make Zoom phone calls right from your Team space.
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Office app
39 out of 60
EmojisUpdateStar GmbHAdd emoji to emails
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40 out of 60
MindMapSolutions2ShareTransform Your Planning and Collaboration in Microsoft Teams with MindMap
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41 out of 60
Activity Gauge by PowervizTRUVIZ INCAn Advanced Visual to measure the progress against a set target or Goal for multiple categories
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Power BI visuals
42 out of 60
CanvaCanva Pty LtdCanva is the easy to use, collaborative design platform where teams create together!
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43 out of 60
KPI by PowervizTRUVIZ INCBuild KPI cards beyond imagination with 16 chart layers, small multiples, and on-object interaction
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Power BI visuals
44 out of 60
SankeyArt Diagram CreatorSankeyArtTurn financial statements into beautiful Sankey diagrams.
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45 out of 60
Box Ploty by Devlup FunnelsDevlup FunnelsProvides a concise visual summary of the distribution and key statistical measures of a dataset.
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Power BI visuals
46 out of 60
Power BIMicrosoft CorporationCollaborate better with your data.
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Office app
47 out of 60
AI Detector ProWestbourne International LLCAI Detector Pro allows you to scan your documents for AI, as well as edit and erase traces of AI.
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48 out of 60
TCPDUMP for WindowsMicroolap TechnologiesCommand-line sniffer (packet capture tool) for Windows
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49 out of 60
Inforiver Writeback Matrix for Planning, Budgeting & ForecastingxViz LLC dba LumelEnterprise-grade writeback matrix for building connected & secure planning (xP&A / FP&A / EPM) apps
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Power BI visuals
50 out of 60
hi-chart Reporting StudioCP Corporate Planning GmbHPerfect business graphics are automatically prepared for your data. There is no easier way.
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Power BI visuals
51 out of 60
graphomate matrixgraphomateMeaningful Tabular Visualization: Data-Driven, Fully IBCS-Compliant, In-Cell Charts and Calculations
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Power BI visuals
52 out of 60
Smart Filter Pro by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.The fastest slicer and search bar for your Power BI reports.
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Power BI visuals
53 out of 60
FigmaFigmaCollaborate on Figma designs or jam on ideas in FigJam, without leaving Microsoft Teams.
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54 out of 60
Mobile Data Collection - Scan-IT to OfficeTEC-ITReal-time mobile data collection and barcode scanning for Excel and Word
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55 out of 60
Wordvice AI For MS WordWordviceWordvice AI identifies and corrects errors in any type of document.
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56 out of 60
Cylindrical Gauge by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCVisualize targets with precision | Power BI Certified
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Power BI visuals
57 out of 60
MyCaseAffiniPay LLCSave emails to MyCase and capture more billable time without leaving your Outlook inbox.
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58 out of 60
Calendar by TallanTallan, IncA standard calendar layout that filters and aggregates data across a range of dates.
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Power BI visuals
59 out of 60
Applicable to:
60 out of 60