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Apps results for Hospitality & Travel
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Tineri AppOpen Destinations LtdMobile itinerary app for Tour Operators
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1 out of 60
Face Recognition for Dynamics 365 CRMWaveAccess2Face recognition powered Dynamics CRM suite
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2 out of 60
Guardian - Facial RecognitionTorutekFully integrated Facial Recognition system for casinos and gambling venues
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3 out of 60
Semeon Customer Feedback Analysis PlatformSemeon AnalyticsUltra precise and flexible text analytics platform for customer feedback
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4 out of 60
OmniFY Expense ReportsOmni Logic SolutionsSimplify Expense Claims with OmniFY Expense Reports for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
5 out of 60
TOUCH POINT BI株式会社EBILABThis application is available only in Japanese.レジデータや店舗運営に関わるビッグデータを自動収集し、可視化・分析するWebアプリケーション
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6 out of 60
TravelOperations EnterpriseTravel Operations Market leading ERP/mid and back-office solution for global travel businesses
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7 out of 60
TravelOperations BusinessTravel Operations Effective mid and back-office solution for small and mid-sized travel businesses
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Business Central
8 out of 60
Connector for CETAS FOS365CETAS Information TechnologyAre you looking for Omni-Channel solution for your Restaurant? CETAS FOS365 is your answer.
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Business Central
9 out of 60
joinmywifiM&I Join My Wifi LtdWiFi Marketing Solution
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10 out of 60
MessageInSkyInSky Solutions d.o.o.MessageInSky is a solution for omnichannel communication including SMS and others
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Customer Voice
Project Operations
11 out of 60
GFA - TaxisAdding Technology, S. A.Taxis and Cabs management
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12 out of 60
Hitachi Solutions Event ManagementHitachi Solutions India Pvt LtdEvent Management Solution powered by Dynamics 365
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13 out of 60
LS CentralLS RetailThe complete unified commerce SaaS platform to manage your entire retail and hospitality operations
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Business Central
14 out of 60
Managed IT SupportAdept ITIntegrating support services with Office 365, we provide a fully managed outsourced IT department.
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15 out of 60
Cognizant BigDecisionsCognizantRapidly deployable, scalable platform for data ingestion, data lake creation, analytics and AI.
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16 out of 60
VitrinaBox | Interactive Virtual WalkthroughAlavastron Entrepreneurship LtdVitrinaBox | Interactive Virtual Walkthrough
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17 out of 60
Grow profitably with Advanced Retail AnalyticsPiik Commerce Inc.Cohesive analyses + AI-powered suggestions for improving sales, marketing, customer, and inventory.
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18 out of 60
Takeflite Regional Airline SoftwareTakeflite Solutions LtdCloud based software service designed for regional airlines, aviation companies and their passengers
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19 out of 60
TraveoTraveo Soft Pvt LtdBusiness Travel and Expense Management Software
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20 out of 60
ReviewSpotterCodegenReviewSpotter – Revolutionizing Customer Experience with the power of Artificial Intelligence
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21 out of 60
altn8 Productivity AppsAlternate LtdThese apps will bring efficiency and accountability to everyday processes at work.
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22 out of 60
Innovative ContactInSky - platform for contact center, individual sales and customer supportInSky Solutions d.o.o.A comprehensive solution - a unique contact center interface for all channels and a centralized data
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23 out of 60
Hailing Core PlatformDIGITAL MOBILITY SOLUTIONS LANKA (PRIVATE) LIMITEDA technology platform which provides functionality to hail an end-to-end taxi service
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24 out of 60
ShiftQuilsoftTravel and expense management platform.
Plataforma de gestión de traslados corporativos.
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25 out of 60
hospoIQ - Business Intelligence for Hospitality2IQ LimitedhospoIQ provide instant visibility of your hospitality sales, wage costs and margins.
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26 out of 60
nahmiihubii ASnahmii is a layer-2 blockchain scaling and interoperability solution which is live on Ethereum
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27 out of 60
CheckinwattsNETMARK MEXICO S. DE R.L. DE C.V.Empowers users of their electrical consumption, generating savings and environmental impact.
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28 out of 60
Customer Data and Identity PlatformAmperitySlalom Consulting provisions a Customer Data and Identity Platform Powered by Amperity
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29 out of 60
Hilal Digital CollabAl Hilal ComputersBuilding the Future of Collaboration with Microsoft Intelligent Communications
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30 out of 60
Ink - Digital SignageOmnivex CorporationInk enables everyone in your organization to share content on any screen
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31 out of 60
Session AI In-Session Marketing PlatformZineOneSession AI: Convert Anonymous Visitors with AI
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32 out of 60
Dimodelo Data Warehouse StudioDimodelo SolutionsData Warehouse on Azure - Simplified
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33 out of 60
Vayoo for HostsVayoo Intelligence SLWe make Airbnb hosts maximize the income of their properties
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34 out of 60
NextGuest Easy CampaignSerenata IntraWare GmbHOptimizing Guest Experience | Driving Revenue | Personalizing Transactional and Marketing Campaigns
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35 out of 60
Mapping.WorksGimmonixAccurate mapping for hotels, room and destinations
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36 out of 60
TravolutionaryGimmonixAdvanced hotel booking API and aggregation platform
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37 out of 60
Omnivex Moxie Digital SignageOmnivex CorporationMoxie delivers digital communications content from any data source in real time
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38 out of 60
SISNET sPOSSISNET SOFTWARESistema de Punto de Venta POS. Incluye Facturación Electrónica en Uruguay.
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39 out of 60
TrionaSinusTriona ASSINUS infra er et produkt som gjør deg i stand til å registrere infrastrukturrelaterte data.
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40 out of 60
Wayfinding platform for people with disabilitiesLAZARILLO TEC SPAMobile maps platform to make your space and services more accessible for people with disabilities
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41 out of 60
Evolve Technologies Trail ManagerEvolve TechnologiesMonitor and record Recreation Trail issues and track to resolution for Trail operators.
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42 out of 60
KDR GoldKonsulent Data & Restaurant ASWe’re reinventing the point-of-sale experience
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43 out of 60
Antavo Loyalty Management PlatformAntavoAntavo - Enterprise-grade Loyalty Management Platform for Retail
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44 out of 60
Airline Safety AnalyticsGE AviationIncrease flight safety and reduce risk
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45 out of 60
iQualify - Employee Training for RetailiQualifyLooking to onboard employees, increase employee productivity, and job satisfaction?
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46 out of 60
SmatiHXPERIENCESmart Building solution providing a comprehensive view of the operational performance and uses
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47 out of 60
Kognitiv LoyaltyKognitiv LoyaltyKognitiv Loyalty is the technology brands trust for data collection, campaigns and promotions.
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48 out of 60
Onesait Airlines RevenueMinsaitSimplify and automate the Airlines´ revenue accounting processes
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49 out of 60
Lumachain Recipe ManagementLumachainManagement of recipes, costing, production processes and qa documentation, with full batch tracking.
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50 out of 60
Onesait Airlines BookingMinsaitPersonalized and omni channel booking experience meeting the expectations of today’s traveller
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51 out of 60
Amperity Customer Data Platform - PilotAmperityUnify and unlock your customer data with machine learning.
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52 out of 60
ZENPARKING - Parcare pentru clădiri de birouriZEN PARKING SMART PARKING S.R.L.Aplicația ZENPARKING oferă serviciul de rezervare și control acces folosind dispozitive IoT
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53 out of 60
Hitachi Solutions Engage for TransportationHitachi SolutionsPurpose Built Relationship Management for Transportation
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Customer Service
Field Service
Power Apps
54 out of 60
Hotel Management DashboardBismartDashboard environment for monitoring and analysing the key results of the various areas of the hotel
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55 out of 60
GoDo Booking Software for Tour & Activity OperatorsGoDo, LLCGoDo's reservation tech provides real-world tested capabilities needed to thrive and succeed.
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56 out of 60
SG & MY Teams ConnectorLantone SystemsMaximize MS Teams calling with SG & MY PSTN lines and with countries available upon request.
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57 out of 60
Picnic™ Gamified Customer EngagementPUG Interactive Inc.Simply better loyalty via best-in-class gamification and engagement
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58 out of 60
Metro Unified Comms.Retail Manager Solutions LimitedDrive Employee Engagement, Communication, Collaboration, Task Compliance and Productivity with RMS.
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59 out of 60
Airline Network OperationsGE AviationReal-time disruption management and recovery solutions for airlines.
Applicable to:
60 out of 60