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全能巨献Scheichl Franz유연한 포인트 엔진, 마케팅 자동화 및 스마트 리포트를 통합한 올인원 경량 CRM 시스템으로, 회원 생애 주기를 전방위적으로 커버하며, 회원 마케팅의 모든 단계에서 지원합니다.
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1 out of 60
Smart SupplyJob Supply B.V.Highlighted entries that closely match the search intent, offering quick access to the most relevant
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2 out of 60
Network Graph by PowervizTRUVIZ INCSimplify complex relationships with customizable Nodes-Links, Clusters for impactful visual insights
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Power BI visuals
3 out of 60
HTML VizCreator Cert by BI SamuraiBI SamuraiMust-have certified HTML visual to create custom visualisations
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Power BI visuals
4 out of 60
PPT-Design Infographics TemplatesAndrew Mounir.- Fully editable slides templates & infographics
- Color palettes
- QR Code generator
- More...
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5 out of 60
Funnel/Pyramid Chart - xVizxViz LLCOrganize data hierarchies and visualize process steps with advanced charts
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Power BI visuals
6 out of 60
Spreadsheet AISAS Matrix LeadAI chat copilot and AI functions in Excel that assist with countless spreadsheet tasks.
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7 out of 60
FRED DataFederal Reserve Bank of St. LouisDownload data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED).
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8 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Business Central - FinanceMicrosoftThis Power BI application provides the financial state of your company in an easy to read format.
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Power BI apps
9 out of 60
Timeline BasicTheraTraq Visualize your events in a timeline view.
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Power BI visuals
10 out of 60
Pro Circle Card by Devlup FunnelsDevlup FunnelsThis chart visually illustrates the completion or progress of a task as a portion of a circle.
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
Population Pyramid (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comGraphically illustrate age and gender distribution of a given population
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
Ring Chart by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCUnderstand the category breakdown of your data | PBI certified
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Power BI visuals
13 out of 60
Icons by Noun ProjectNoun ProjectOver 1 million high-quality icons to choose from, perfect for presentations.
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14 out of 60
Teamleader email trackerTeamleaderTrack incoming and outgoing email directly to the right contact in your Teamleader CRM.
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15 out of 60
Enlighten World Flag SlicerENLIGHTEN DESIGNSCreate a visually compelling country slicer to filter your report.
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Power BI visuals
16 out of 60
MindMeister - Mind MappingMeisterLabs GmbHMind mapping, straight from Microsoft Teams. Share mind maps to meetings and collaborate visually.
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17 out of 60
Charticulator Visual Community (View)Ilfat GalievCreate custom and reusable charts right within Power BI in the new visual
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Power BI visuals
18 out of 60
ImageplainbiDisplay images of your data just with one click - image URLs or base64 encoded
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Power BI visuals
19 out of 60
Prompt CoachMicrosoft CorporationWrite and improve your prompts
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Office app
20 out of 60
HCLTech 4-Dimensional Bubble Charthcl technologiesFour dimensional bubble chart
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Power BI visuals
21 out of 60
TimeClock 365 - for Microsoft TeamsTimeClock 365.A powerful solution for tracking time and tasks, helps businesses increase productivity reduce costs
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22 out of 60
SciwheelSciwheelCite effortlessly and format your bibliography with 7000+ styles, all without leaving Word.
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23 out of 60
Ultimate Decomposition GmbHThe Decomposition Tree can display hierarchical Information in combination with Images & Measures
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Power BI visuals
24 out of 60
DeviantArtDeviantArtInsert Art from DeviantArt directly into your emails
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25 out of 60
Google Analytics ReportHavens Consulting IncProvides a detailed report built off Google Analytics GA4 data.
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Power BI apps
26 out of 60
My Ai SecretaryMaltiverse SLCompose, reply, summarize & analyze your emails with Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT), saving time.
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27 out of 60
Office 365 TimesheetIgnatiuz SoftwareA user-friendly internal business tool for employee time-tracking, manager approval and reporting.
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28 out of 60
Blackbaud for OutlookBlackbaud, Inc.View constituent information and create email actions with Blackbaud.
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29 out of 60
Bubble DiagramVisioChartVisualize data with Bubble Diagram by VisioChart: compare, customize, and interact easily
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Power BI visuals
30 out of 60
Seismic for OutlookSeismic SoftwareDiscover and share Seismic content from right within Outlook.
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31 out of 60
1PageOAYAW, Inc.Supercharge your meetings with 1Page summary & conversation starters, minutes before every meeting!
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Office app
32 out of 60
Professionally AI Email WriterSoliTechnologyProfessionally helps you write better emails by rewriting your email with the tone of your choice.
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33 out of 60
DocuSign for OutlookDocuSign, Inc.Improve productivity from your Outlook inbox with Docusign
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34 out of 60
QR Code TrackerSamnaoQR Code Tracker lets you easily generate/scan QR codes in a sheet.
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35 out of 60
Analytic SolverFrontline Systems Inc.Analyze risk, find the best way to allocate resources using Monte Carlo Simulation and Optimization
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36 out of 60
WriterWriter.comWriter helps everyone at a company write with the same brand voice, style, and terminology.
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37 out of 60
XLSTAT CloudAddinsoftStatistics and data analysis add-in.
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38 out of 60
DataSnipper for Excel OnlineDataSnipper B.V.Use DataSnipper for Excel Online to extract data from source documents directly to your workbook.
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39 out of 60
ParaHTMLViewerParadigm BIThis is a single Card HTML Viewer which can display Power BI Data, accept input and submit
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Power BI visuals
40 out of 60
Drill Down Timeline PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsExplore time-based data using columns or measures and multiple chart types: line, column, area.
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Power BI visuals
41 out of 60
Attendance TrackerDEEPAK LOHIASimple utility to keep record of employee or students in excel.
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42 out of 60
PERRLAPERRLA, LLCCreate perfect APA & MLA papers. We’ve helped students write perfectly formatted papers since 1998.
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43 out of 60
Circular Gauge by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCTrack your goals with precision | Power BI Certified
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Power BI visuals
44 out of 60
PAFnow Process MiningCelonisVisualize and analyze your business processes in an intelligent process flow based on event data
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Power BI visuals
45 out of 60
DeepBrain AIDeepBrain IncHumanize your digital interactions & engagements with DeepBrain AI
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46 out of 60
Ultimate KPI Card API GmbHShows a value, its variance to a reference value and its var. to 2nd or 3rd ref. value. Show Trend!
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Power BI visuals
47 out of 60
LexDraftGentext Group Inc.LexDraft is an AI-powered legal assistant for MS Word that helps lawyers draft and review contracts
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48 out of 60
Pro Manage 360TUNG PHUONG TRADING CONSTRUCTION AND PRODUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANYProManage360 is a comprehensive work management platform tailored for professional service businesse
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49 out of 60
Hierarchical Bar ChartExcelnaccess.comThis visual displays hierarchical data in the form of bar chart with +/- signs to view/hide details
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Power BI visuals
50 out of 60
WooclapWooclapWith its many features and intuitive use, Wooclap turns events into interactive and dynamic learning
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51 out of 60
Vertex42 Template GalleryVERTEX42Browse over 300 templates created by for Excel and Word
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52 out of 60
Journey Chart by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCTransform dense statistical data into a network of categories and relationships.
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Power BI visuals
53 out of 60
KPI Ticker by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCStreamline your dashboard with rotating KPI visuals | Power BI Certified
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Power BI visuals
54 out of 60
Workspace Lite Add-inRefinitivBuild your models in Excel using LSEG’s unique content and analytics
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55 out of 60
Download Button by JTAJTA The Data ScientistsExport Data from Power BI (up to 300,000 rows)
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Power BI visuals
PlotlyJS Visual by AkvelonAkvelonPlotly.js visual by Akvelon combines Plotly.js, react-chart-editor and Power BI together.
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Power BI visuals
57 out of 60
CRM for OutlookSalesOutlookCRM for Outlook is a simple and affordable CRM solution that works directly inside Outlook.
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58 out of 60
Waldo BookingMoffiMicrosoft startup of the year 🏆: desk booking, parking reservation, flex office
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Office app
59 out of 60
SPC Charts for PowerBIGovernment of Western Australia - Department of HealthMonitor your data with SPC: supporting a range of chart types and the NHS Making Data Count program
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Power BI visuals
60 out of 60