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Transportation Management System (TMS)EXTENSIONSFORCEStreamline your logistic operations with comprehensive management tools
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Business Central
1 out of 60
The Writer's DietHelen Sword ConsultingShape up your sentences with the Writer’s Diet!
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2 out of 60
Macabacus LiteMacabacus Inc.Build error-free, brand compliant models more efficiently
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3 out of 60
CoCounsel for Microsoft OutlookThomson Reuters IncorporatedBring the leading AI Legal Assistant into your Microsoft Outlook environment.
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4 out of 60
CLM365 - Contract ManagementApps 365 & HR365CLM365 - Contract management centralizes the contracts to enhance efficiency & accuracy - SharePoint
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5 out of 60
CodeTwo Email Signatures 365CodeTwoCloud service: Automatic email signatures in emails sent from any mail app & device in Microsoft 365
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6 out of 60
Financial Modeling PrepFinancial Modeling Prep SASAccess Real-time stock price, fundamentals data and also historical data of all US public companies.
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7 out of 60
Jedox Add-in for Excel 365Jedox GmbHAccess Jedox, and increase planning collaboration, by connecting the Jedox Add-in for Excel 365
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8 out of 60
Stock Price in Excel | FinsheetFinsheetReal-time and historical stock price in Excel; 30+ yrs of stock fundamentals and more.
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9 out of 60
Visual Paradigm Online for OfficeVisual ParadigmDraw and insert flowcharts, UML, mind maps, BPMN, Venn, ERD, ArchiMate and more in Office documents.
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10 out of 60 Synoptic VisualDSC_SystemsCreate SCADA-like free form graphics with absolute control.
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
Drill Down Combo PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsCombine columns, lines and areas in one chart. Enjoy interactive drilldowns and beautiful design.
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
New CorporationNew, the Easiest Way to Find, Share & Organize M365 from any Outlook.
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13 out of 60
Project Plan – Gantt chart visualizationcherrywareHigh-level project plans, gantt charts and roadmaps in Microsoft Teams and PowerPoint.
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Office app
14 out of 60
Power PPMProjectum ApsPower PPM - the next generation Microsoft Solution for Project and Portfolio Management
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Power Apps
15 out of 60
Salesloft ConnectSalesloft, Inc.Create and execute personalized communications and sales workflows.
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16 out of 60
Enlighten SlicerENLIGHTEN DESIGNSProvides a simple way to interact with your data.
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Power BI visuals
17 out of 60
NielsenIQ DiscoverThe Nielsen CompanyThe new NielsenIQ Discover add-In makes generating robust Excel reports faster and easier than ever.
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18 out of 60
Pixel ArtDigital InspirationCreate stunning pixel art with Microsoft Excel
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19 out of 60
Performance Management 365Apps 365 & HR365Align strategy & results with HR365 Performance Management. Fuel growth with supercharged employees
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20 out of 60
SwiftAssessGamaLearnIntegrating formative and summative assessments into your classroom activities on Microsoft Teams
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21 out of 60
Gather MeetingsGather Presence, Inc.Schedule meetings in Gather directly from Microsoft Outlook
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22 out of 60
Gainsight AssistGainsightBe a more efficient CSM—access Gainsight email templates and sync emails to Timeline from your inbox
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23 out of 60
ScrumPokerBaltic AmadeusEstimate project development efforts with your Scrum Team in Gamified Way
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24 out of 60
Organization Chart北京上北智信科技有限公司A standardized structure diagram generation control.
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Power BI visuals
25 out of 60
Traqplan Timeline ProTraqplanCreates a plan on a page or gantt timeline for multiple projects with edge-wrap and change tracking.
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Power BI visuals
26 out of 60
Time-lines (BI-Champ Suite)CodeX Enterprises LLCCreate a time-line with dots representing events, keyed by dates.
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Power BI visuals
27 out of 60
SlideHubnomorehoursSlideHub provides a Simple Presentation Management solution that works directly in PowerPoint
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28 out of 60
Bubble Chart with Categorical Data (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comVisualize categorical data on both axes in bubble chart
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Power BI visuals
29 out of 60
Timesheet PowerAppExigo Tech Pty LtdA snappy, quick & mobile friendly PowerApp for your employees to log their time spent on a project.
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Power Apps
30 out of 60
Simple In/OutSimply Made AppsThe Easiest to Use Employee In Out Board Software
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Office app
31 out of 60
Text Translator for ExcelagindoAutomatically translate bulk Excel texts in up to eleven languages using the DeepL platform.
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32 out of 60
Send Customer Voice survey from Dynamics 365MicrosoftSend a survey from Dynamics 365
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Customer Service
Field Service
Customer Voice
Power Apps
33 out of 60
SysTools PDF UnlockerSYSTOOLS SOFTWARE PRIVATE LIMITEDSolution to Remove and Unlock Print, Copy, Edit, Extract etc Restrictions from PDF Files in Bulk
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34 out of 60
Signature 365 for OutlookSymprexCreate and centrally manage professional email signatures for all users on Microsoft 365
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35 out of 60
graphomate chartsgraphomategraphomate charts is a highly customizable visualization component
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Power BI visuals
36 out of 60
Timesheet PlusIveroSharepoint based Timesheet Management Software
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37 out of 60
Pie Charts TreeAritz FrancoyDisplay in tree mode with values represented in a pie chart in each node.
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Power BI visuals
38 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft 365AdobeGet more done by sending and signing documents all from within M365 apps.
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39 out of 60
WeWrite TableSOLVEDA custom table visual with write-back capabilities
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Power BI visuals
40 out of 60
Foxit PDF Editor Cloud for Microsoft OutlookFoxit Software Inc.Streamline Your Email Management with Foxit PDF Editor Cloud for Microsoft Outlook
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41 out of 60 for for Word Add-In an AI-powered assistant designed to simplify legal document interaction.
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42 out of 60
Power GPTAppsense Inc.With Power GPT, that’s like having an Excel expert by your side, 24/7!
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43 out of 60
Dual Y-Axis Column Chart (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comEasily illustrate the relationships between two variables with different magnitudes
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Power BI visuals
44 out of 60
Indicadores Económicos ChileBirdieObtén el valor de la Unidad de Fomento (UF), Euro, Dólar y UTM de Chile de manera sencilla
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45 out of 60
Zoho Desk for Microsoft TeamsZoho Corporation Private LimitedZoho Desk integrates with Microsoft Teams to deliver unified support ticket management.
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46 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365ADOBE INC.Collaborate on agreements more efficiently with Adobe Acrobat Sign
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Office app
47 out of 60
Read My DocumentBirdieMake your computer read your documents!
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48 out of 60
Craydec Regression ChartCraydec OyScatter chart with linear regression for large datasets. Easy to use and fast. With small multiples.
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Power BI visuals
49 out of 60
Milestone Trend Analysis ChartNova SilvaEffectively manage multiple projects and track their progress with valuable visual insights
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Power BI visuals
50 out of 60
Icons by QueryonQueryonAccess hundreds of open-source icons to elevate your user experience.
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Power BI visuals
51 out of 60
CubeCube Planning IncCube helps finance teams spend less time on manual data management and more time delivering insights
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52 out of 60
Annotated Bar by QueryonQueryonAdd callouts to important bars, or just read stacked, clustered, or overlapping bar data clearly.
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Power BI visuals
53 out of 60
Ref-n-WriteAstute Digital Solutions LtdRef-n-Write is a cross referencing and paraphrasing tool for writing research papers and theses.
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54 out of 60
WaveGrandstream Network,Inc.Seamlessly connect UCM VOIP System to quickly make calls, initiate meetings on Microsoft Teams
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55 out of 60
Variance - Dynamics 365 Finance business performance planningMicrosoft Dynamics 365Visualize and bridge budget-actual gaps with precision.
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Power BI visuals
56 out of 60
DataPoint Add-on for PowerPointPresentation PointConnect your PowerPoint slides directly to data.
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57 out of 60
Harvey for WordCounsel AI CorporationThe Trusted Legal AI Platform
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58 out of 60
Dual Y-Axis Combo Chart (Pro)PBIVizEdit.comShow relationship between data sets by combining columns, lines, scatter, area on dual Y-axes
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
59 out of 60
Email - Microsoft 365 ConnectorMicrosoftEnable all users to use a single Microsoft 365 email account to send email in Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
60 out of 60