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Apps results for Sustainability
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Carbon Jacked sustainable employee membership platformCarbon JackedEducate + engage your employees on sustainability and take direct action on climate change
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1 out of 60
Freespace PortalWORKPLACE FABRIC LIMITEDFreespace app for hybrid working.
Applicable to:
2 out of 60
NexoConnectPoint Sp. z o.o.Universal IoT platform for building business solutions
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3 out of 60
eMabler API first EV Charging PlatformeMabler LtdeMabler makes integrating an EV charging business easy
Applicable to:
4 out of 60
EcoMatcherEcoMatcher LimitedPlant and gift trees—make a real impact!
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Office app
5 out of 60
Sustainability 2.0Celebal Technologies Private LimitedAchieve Net-Zero Goals with Scalable Sustainability Solutions
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
Metry Energy Data ImporterMetry ABThe Metry Energy Data Importer gives you access to all of your energy data in Excel.
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7 out of 60
Polecat APIPolecat Intelligence Ltd.Query the Polecat API to get ESG, reputation and risk data on company and stakeholder organizations.
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8 out of 60
Sustainability platform discoveryClimateCampThe most collaborative sustainability platform for managing supply chain environmental impacts.
Applicable to:
9 out of 60
Vital CRMGalaxy Software Services掌握客戶關係、創造長銷效益。
(需搭配 Vital CRM 使用)
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
New ActiveDisclosure for Sustainability CloudDonnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)Secure Financial Reporting and SEC Filing Software
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
Mapped Independent Data LayerMappedAutomate normalization of building data to BRICK schema
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12 out of 60
Infosys Smart Solution for WaterInfosys LtdSolution offers Real Time Water Monitoring, Water Waste distribution control & Maintenance
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13 out of 60
ZeroC: Emissions Management Appadesso SESaaS for CO2-neutral building portfolios and sustainable facility management based on Azure & AI
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14 out of 60
Blockchain Traceability, Authenticity and CxvlinderBlockchain based Authenticity, Traceability, Provenance and Customer engagement for Brands
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15 out of 60
조직도CloocusMicrosoft Teams 기반의 편리한 조직도 애플리케이션
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16 out of 60
xOverTimeXovertime, Inc.xOverTime empowers companies to work more effectively and collaboratively with Excel-based business
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17 out of 60
Social Change SystemLEADRLY LIMITEDDelivering performance change through behavioural transformation and engagement.
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18 out of 60
Aerial Waste Detection APISC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLDetects waste in an aerial photo of the ground or sea using AI and cloud infrastructure.
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19 out of 60
SAS® Energy Cost OptimizationSAS Institute Inc.SAS ECO helps to achieve a reduction of energy consumption, CO2 emissions and CO2 certificate costs.
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20 out of 60
EcoStruxure Grid OperationsSchneider ElectricGrid operations software for small to medium utilities
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21 out of 60
Sizing Solved - no questions askedZizr ASNext Generation Shopping Experience
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22 out of 60
tegossuite - North AmericaITA WMS CorporationWaste and Recycling Software for North America
Applicable to:
Business Central
23 out of 60
Walking Meetings for OutlookWalking Meetings, IncHelp users set a meeting and communicate that easily via subject line header and footer in the body.
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24 out of 60
KimboCare, The Marketplace for Health ImpactKimboCare SAGet traceable social outcomes from your health impact funding - and enjoy zero greenwashing risk.
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25 out of 60
ESH Clouds 環安雲威 煦軟體開發有限公司Safety for All. 讓環安衛管理變得簡單、快速、有效。
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26 out of 60
Fexillon PlatformINTEGRATED FACILITIES SOLUTIONS LIMITEDFexillon supports Owner Operators with the delivery and management of Buildings and Infrastructure.
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27 out of 60
HCLTech Solution for Intelligent Sustainability Operations (NIO)HCL America Inc_HCLTSolution for Sustainability operations for Industry
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28 out of 60
YDISTRIYDISTRI, SEWe optimize sales of underperforming retail stock.
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29 out of 60
xDGANova Energy Consulting Pty LtdInterpret Dissolved Gas Analysis like a pro
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30 out of 60
Dyo CROMEDYOCENSE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDRetail refrigerator predictive monitoring
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31 out of 60
Digital Environmental Label (EAD)GIUNKO SRLA smart solution for medium and small brands to comply with the environmental labeling of products.
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32 out of 60
dyo fleetDYOCENSE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDFleet Fuel Management, Fleet Maintenance and Fleet Bench Marking
Fleet Data-Driven Insights
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33 out of 60
Footprint Data ManagementNexer Data Management ABProduct Environmental Footprint includes many types and categories of data
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34 out of 60
SIEngage - ESG Engagement tracking for outlookWrender LimitedPowering your ESG investment workflow. The all-in-one data capturing system.
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35 out of 60
Dyo FleetDyocense IncFleet Fuel Management, Fleet Maintenance, Fleet Benchmarking, Net Zero, Drive Analytics
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36 out of 60
IB LogisticIBERMATICA SAN SEBASTIAN ERP para la gestión logística de empresas de Transporte de mercancías
Applicable to:
Business Central
37 out of 60
Gemini Portal+Volue Technology ASHigh-end modern tool for operation and planning for water and waste water infrastructure.
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38 out of 60
Niagara Data ServiceTridiumAzure cloud ingestion & storage of semantically enriched IOT data using open architecture framework
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39 out of 60
FarmCloudAgri SolutionsPlatforma wspierająca e-commerce dla branży rolnej
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40 out of 60
Harmonogramy odbioru odpadów Kiedy WywózSophScopeUmożliwia edytowanie i zmianę harmonogramów odbioru odpadów i integrację z aplikacją Kiedy Wywóz
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41 out of 60
Sustainability Manager - Automatic Scorecard and Goals creation by Cluster ReplyReplyA solution for the automatic creation of scorecard and goals in Microsoft Sustainability Manager.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
42 out of 60
Environmental, social and governance (ESG)SOFTOOLS LIMITEDSoftools No code - ESG strategy for Net-Zero, supply chain, opportunities for improvement, outcomes
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43 out of 60
Biocode - Carbon footprint calculator that makes senseBiocode OyBiocode is the carbon footprint calculator for food brands, producers and farmers.
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44 out of 60
green.screen | Arvato SystemsArvato SystemsNachhaltigkeitsmanagement leicht gemacht - mit green.screen als einzigartiger End-to-End-Lösung
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45 out of 60
Smart Industry Readiness IndexInternational Centre for Industrial Transformation LtdBoosting Industry 4.0 adoption with SIRI to drive transformation of global manufacturing.
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46 out of 60
Planon Workplace InsightsSchneider ElectricWorkplace analytics solution for Professional Workplace Strategists, Facilities Managers & Occupants
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47 out of 60
LARAA (Legionella and Associated Risk Analysis Assessor)Build-Apps Pty LtdLARAA keeps tabs on Legionella risk and other potential WHS hazards in your property portfolio.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
48 out of 60
PAMM (Project Analyst & Metric Manager)Build-Apps Pty LtdPAMM creates a clear snapshot of all project details and statuses across the property portfolio.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
49 out of 60
Esgeo AddIn for ExcelAvvale S.p.A.ESGeo Add-In for Excel can connect to your ESGeo SaaS solutions getting data to your Microsoft Excel
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50 out of 60
PERCIEE (Product Evaluator for Resource Costs Impacts & Embodied Emissions)Build-Apps Pty LtdPERCIEE is a library for all product, material and chemical details, regulations and life cycles.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
51 out of 60
Smart Scaler - The First Generative AI Autoscaling Tool for KubernetesAvesha, Inc.A gen AI tool for predictive K8S horizontal pod autoscaling cost optimization and app SLA guarantees
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52 out of 60
SIEngage - ESG Engagement tracking for excel and wordWrender LimitedPowering your ESG investment workflow. The all-in-one data capturing system.
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53 out of 60
VisionAgro CultivosGregal Soluciones Informáticas, S.L.Solución para productores agricultura. Gestión de tratamientos y cuaderno de explotación
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Business Central
54 out of 60
Argus Advanced Deforestation Monitoring SolutionArgusEU Deforestation Regulation compliance; leveraging advanced Machine Learning and satellite imagery
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55 out of 60
RPM EnviroDataVaultRPM SOFTWARE PTY LTDCapture, store, manage and share environmental data with ease. All from the cloud.
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56 out of 60
NorthWhistle Whistleblowing SolutionNebulr ABThe whistleblowing solution for a healthier org and full EU compliance - Try free - Set up in 15 min
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57 out of 60
Eco Ville - the app to communicate with citizensECO SOLUTII ONLINE SRLAutomate and simplify government environmental communication with citizens
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58 out of 60
Topo Solutions - Supply Chain Management PlatformTopo Solutions LimitedTopo is a supply chain platform for remote collaboration, process automation, and advanced analytics
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59 out of 60
Ignite ProcurementIgnite Procurement ASLeading platform for strategically managing your supply chain and environmental footprint
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60 out of 60