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Apps results for Financial Services
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SmartDeskC3IT Software SolutionsSmartDesk: an Azure based ticketing tool for all Industries
Applicable to:
1 out of 60
Vendor Contract MaintenanceWebSan Solutions Inc.This app allows companies to track any contractual agreements they have with their Vendors
Applicable to:
Business Central
2 out of 60
Digital Tax Solutions - Electronic InvoicingServicio y Soporte en Tecnología Informática S.A. de C.V.The Electronic Services Platform for the Business Community to comply with Government Requirements
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
Winbiz CloudBizPro.Récupérez facilement des données comptables de Winbiz Cloud vers Excel.
Applicable to:
4 out of 60
Opex Revenue insightsOpex Consulting Pty LtdOpex revenue insights provides Opex users with a range of financial and client insights.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
5 out of 60
Own Recover for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Power AppsOwnThe premiere Azure SaaS backup solution for Dynamics CRM & Power Apps
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Customer Voice
Project Operations
Mixed Reality
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
6 out of 60
Armored ClientSentryBaySecure AVD and W365 with anti-keylogging, screen capture, and malicious injection protection
Applicable to:
7 out of 60
icTools for LegalDocMLIctect, IncModern Tools to Streamline LegalDocML Workflows Without Leaving Microsoft Word
Applicable to:
8 out of 60
Solgari Customer EngagementSolgari LtdSolgari transforms Microsoft Teams into the world’s best customer engagement platform
Applicable to:
9 out of 60
ParloaParloa GmbHAn AI Agent Management Platform to automate phone calls and chats for customer service.
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
LexShareImagineTimeSecurely request and share files without having to leave your inbox using LexShare.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
ScreenMeet for OmnichannelScreenMeetVideo Chat, Screenshare, Cobrowse and Remote Support
Applicable to:
Customer Service
12 out of 60
Youkeeps Meetings SaaSYoukeeps GlobalYoukeeps – Effortless meeting coordination in Microsoft Teams & Outlook with AI-powered
Applicable to:
13 out of 60
CallidusAICallidusAIReview, explain, and edit legal and litigation documents faster than ever before with CallidusAI.
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Provance ServiceTeam ITAMProvanceConceived in Power Apps, ServiceTeam ITAM optimizes & simplifies your asset management initiatives.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
15 out of 60
officeatwork | Smart Template for OfficeofficeatworkOne Corporate Template. Limitless Brand Documents.
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
CAP WorkflowIteris Consultoria e Software LtdaCAP Workflow enable organizations to create and to automate processes along all departments.
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
FIS - GETPAID / FIS - Integrated ReceivablesFISGETPAID significantly improves the productivity of Credit and Collections department.
Applicable to:
18 out of 60
Sapiens IDITSuiteSapiensIDIT Policy Admin System for the Insurance Industry
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
VerityRMS for OutlookVerity PlatformVerityRMS Add-ins allow users to deposit documents and create notes from within Microsoft Outlook
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
Telehealth platformPsyaliveTelehealth platform to be integrated in health corporates
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Skan Process Intelligenceskan.aiSkan's process intelligence platform enables enterprises to enhance processes & discover automation
Applicable to:
22 out of 60
Spark CommoditiesSPARK COMMODITIES PTE. LTD.Download Spark prices into your excel sheets.
Applicable to:
23 out of 60
BeltBelt Software, Inc.Never miss a critical request or communication again.
Applicable to:
24 out of 60
BatchGPTSharpNWise DevelopmentBatch processing for chatGPT, execute ChatGPT requests on thousands of values within a spreadsheet
Applicable to:
25 out of 60
DIS Email ParserDIS SOLUTIONS LIMITEDExtract information from emails based on keyword and also detect spam.
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
Youkeeps MeetingsYoukeeps Global SolutionsMeeting Scheduling Made Easy: Save Time, Reduce Frustration, and Boost Productivity
Applicable to:
Office app
27 out of 60
RansomCare (RC) by BullWall - Ransomware IsolationBullWall A/SRansomCare(RC) by BullWall is a 24/7 automated solution proven to stop ransomware outbreaks
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
Power BI CollaborationAtairaView your Power BI item within SharePoint. Add comments, follow-up actions and group notifications.
Applicable to:
29 out of 60
Tasks in a Box: Task Collaboration for TeamsTasks in a BoxTasks in a Box enables teams to efficiently collaborate on projects and tasks.
Applicable to:
30 out of 60
Fellowmind AnonymizationCRM Partners MembersLifeAnonymize customer data or scramble your test database (GDPR/other privacy legislation)
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Power Apps
31 out of 60
WhatsApp Business API On AzureYenasysWhatsApp Business API
Applicable to:
32 out of 60
iXBRLAnalystFinDynamics, Inc.Get stock prices, volumes, and data from financial statements (10-K, 10-Q, etc) for financial models
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
Rumi AI Add In for OutlookRumi.aiThe Add-in for Outlook™ simplifies scheduling and managing meetings from Outlook Calendar
Applicable to:
34 out of 60
AtlanAtlan Technologies Pvt LtdEffortless Metadata Enrichment and Lineage Impact Analysis with Atlan Addin for Microsoft Excel
Applicable to:
35 out of 60> Note Taking Ai Assistant for Office 365Aloe.aiNote Taking Ai Assistant Users Love for Meeting and Call Notes
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
Finastra Essence end-to-end retail banking solutionFinastraFinastra Essence retail, SME and commercial banking in the cloud
Applicable to:
37 out of 60
Devart Connector for PostgreSQL from ExcelDevart s.r.o.Connect to PostgreSQL Directly from Excel
Applicable to:
38 out of 60
ORSERS HCM AgentORSERS Consulting ServicesORSERS HCM Agent to retrieve their Absence Balance stored in Oracle Fusion HCM.
Applicable to:
Office app
39 out of 60
Objective Gov365Objective Corporation LtdEnhance information governance by capturing Team files and posts into Objective Nexus or ECM
Applicable to:
40 out of 60
Matilda DiscoverMatilda, IncApplication-centric discover and dependency mapping for streamlined Azure migrations from any source
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
RemailDevanalytic365Save hours of email writing by using Remail
Applicable to:
42 out of 60
Versapay PaymentsChargeLogic, LLCDrive Efficiency and Cash Flow with Seamless Payments Integration
Applicable to:
Business Central
43 out of 60
NewgenONE Digital Transformation PlatformNewgen Software Technologies LimitedUnified low-code platform for end-to-end automation at scale
Applicable to:
44 out of 60
BDS Smart ToolsBDS Data SolutionDisponibilização de dados do mercado financeiro do Brasil e do mundo.
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
Seismic for Copilot for SalesSeismic SoftwarePower the future of sales with Seismic for Microsoft Copilot for Sales
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Ticker viewere-deasThis add-in display animated content when scrolling text from one end to the other
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
Shufflrr Slide Library for PowerPointShufflrr, LLCSlide Library for PowerPoint and Azure
Applicable to:
48 out of 60
ASC Recording Insights for Microsoft Cloud for Financial ServicesASC Technologies AGLegally compliant recording, archiving and conversation insights for Cloud for Financial Services
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Power Apps
49 out of 60
JustPerform® Office 365 ConnectorJustPerform'Do More with Excel' and simplify your Corporate Performance Management
Applicable to:
50 out of 60
C2 Transfer for OutlookSynology C2Goodbye attachments. Use C2 Transfer to share large files as safe, trackable, and manageable links.
Applicable to:
51 out of 60
SOFIMallowstreetThis application allows you to upload your Microsoft Team's recordings to our AI platform SOFI
Applicable to:
Office app
52 out of 60
Kyriba Open Reports Studio - QuartzKyriba AppEmbed Kyriba Into Excel for Unprecedented Flexibility and Usability
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
Intelligent Communication Manager For Dynamics 365Maaz TechnologiesAI powered Omni-channel Customer Experience Solution
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
54 out of 60
CounselLink®LexisNexisIntegrate with Microsoft Word to manage documents stored in LexisNexis® CounselLink®.
Applicable to:
55 out of 60
Salesforce Insight AppAddend Analytics LLPGet insights and Grow your business by using built in Salesforce Insight App
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
56 out of 60
Veeries Agriculture DatabaseVEERIES INTELIGENCIA EM AGRONEGOCIO LTDAFind agriculture market data to support business decision making.
Applicable to:
57 out of 60
Neo4j AuraNeo4jNeo4j Aura is a fast, reliable, scalable and completely automated graph SaaS for connected data.
Applicable to:
58 out of 60
Pyplan for Microsoft 365PyplanSends and receives data to/from Pyplan. Develop in Pyplan an app using python and query the result
Applicable to:
59 out of 60
BackupSimpleSoftwareOneStay in Control with a Multi-Layered Security Approach provided by BackupSimple powered by Metallic
Applicable to:
60 out of 60