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Apps results for Financial Services
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SlideHub for ExcelnomorehoursSlideHub helps organizations win more business with an organized central asset library across M365
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1 out of 60
fiskaltrust.carefree.devfiskaltrust consulting gmbh fiskaltrust - für Rechtssicherheit der Registrierkassen für Anwender, Kassen- & Softwarehersteller
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2 out of 60
NextbittNextBITTeam SA
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3 out of 60
Truss DocsTrussTechThe most simple way for CPAs, Attorneys and Financial Advisors to request files from clients.
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4 out of 60
MTARGET | the email company.PT. TARGET SUKSES SINERGIFast, easy, and affordable email capability software for the finance and retail industry.
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5 out of 60
Electronic Banking Extension GBIT.integro sp. z o.o.Connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with banks in the UK and improve payment data processing
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Business Central
6 out of 60
SGN-Sistema de Gestión NormativaNeosoft LtdaSGN
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7 out of 60
GENSIID - Sistema Generador de Reportes de DerivadosNeosoft LtdaGENSIID - Sistema Generador de Reportes de Derivados para el Banco Central de Chile
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8 out of 60
deepassist insuranceDeepsearch GmbHUnsere vortrainierte und vielseitig einsetzbare KI entlastet effektiv Ihr Kundenservice-Team
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9 out of 60
NextAgency Email Add-In for OutlookTake 44, Inc.The product makes it easy to add emails to case records directly from within Outlook.
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10 out of 60
AI powered chatbot & voicebot by Yellow.aiBitonic Technology Labs Private LimitedMake day-to-day life of an employee stress-free, productive, simple, & meaningful
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11 out of 60
Share Value Price TrendBIZPEPShare Value Price Trend provides unique insight to improve share trading and investment performance.
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12 out of 60
WaaSabi by GlobantGlobantWhite label wallet as a service
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13 out of 60
MultiLine MessagingMovius InteractiveText on a secure, dedicated business number.
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14 out of 60
FintechOS PlatformFintechOSWith FintechOS you can configure financial products in minutes and launch them in weeks
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15 out of 60
AdInsure Cloud for LifeADACTA FINTECH d.o.o.,AdInsure Life & Annuities Cloud is next gen digital core insurance IT-Platform for life insurance ca
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16 out of 60
Data Magnifier Insurance Data SaaS SolutionPercipience LLCComprehensive insurance data solution that clients can customize for their unique requirements.
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17 out of 60
Collaborate 360 SolutionPERSISTENT SYSTEMS LIMITEDCollaborate 360 Solution is a NextGen Employee Collaboration & Engagement Solution for PE Firms
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Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
18 out of 60
Xoxoday CompassEmpulsCompass is a no-code platform designed to improve and build a high-performance team culture.
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19 out of 60
fiskaltrust.carefree ATfiskaltrust consulting gmbhfiskaltrust - for legal certainty of cash registers for users, cash register, and software creators
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20 out of 60
Today Exchange Rateเบราวา จํากัดConvert between different legal currencies or cryptocurrencies
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21 out of 60
AI-powered UiPath Business Automation PlatformUiPathOperate, deploy and manage AI-powered automation across your enterprise.
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22 out of 60
Streamline BusinessITESOFTThe creation of files is finally agile, fast and secure
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23 out of 60
Salesken for Dynamics 365 SalesSaleskenReal Time Sales Assistant and AI Based Conversation Insights
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24 out of 60
CRex Add-in for ExcelHMX.aiAI for Compliance and Government Transparency
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25 out of 60
Contentsquare - CS Retail MediaContentsquareProduct and retail media performance in real-time.
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26 out of 60
Contentsquare - CS Find & FixContentsquareDigital experience analytics, conversion rate, feedback and analytics for digital Saas solutions.
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27 out of 60
Contentsquare - CS AppsContentsquareGet comprehensive insights with Contentsquare’s mobile app analytics.
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28 out of 60
HK CSL Network ArchiverTeleMessageIntegrated with the HK CSL mobile network. Get a copy of employee SMS/MMS text messages in 365.
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29 out of 60
ID-REDACT®Data Safeguard IncID-REDACT® is built using hand coded AI models to redact PII data from all data environments.
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30 out of 60
Electronic Banking Extension CHIT.integro sp. z o.o.Connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with banks in Switzerland and improve transaction processing
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Business Central
31 out of 60
Coherent TesterCoherentExperience seamless Excel modeling and testing with Excellence.
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32 out of 60
TRM Web ServicesAlfaPeople COServicio Web para actualización de TRM Dolar
Applicable to:
Business Central
33 out of 60
BrickBank Platform HubFinansystechPlataforma contendo todos os módulos necessários para que sua empresa entre no mundo do Open Banking
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34 out of 60
Loopio (EU)LoopioSearch and share Loopio library content while staying on top of tasks with Loopio notifications!
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35 out of 60
Valuation ControlDartagnan Corporate Finance ASA powerful web-based financial modeling tool for accurate projections and informed decisions
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36 out of 60
Czech localization for OneCoreSeyfor, a. s.The best way how to manage and automate leasing agenda in one core system.
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Business Central
37 out of 60
ENACOMM emerie™ - Conversational AI banking assistantEnacomm, Inc.Conversational AI banking assistant
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38 out of 60
EscrowAI - Secure AI Lifecycle Management PlatformBeeKeeperAI, Inc.Accelerating the ML workflow computing on protected data within a Trusted Execution Environment
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39 out of 60
NoteUpHiT Internet Technologies S.r.lGestionale assicurativo rivolto principalmente ai Brokers assicurativi
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40 out of 60
SpotUpHiT Internet Technologies S.r.lPortale web per la scelta della polizza assicurativa che soddisfa le proprie esigenze
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41 out of 60
Tax Data Exchange - OnlineFusion Systems LtdFATCA/CRS reporting made simple through our SaaS solution
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42 out of 60
Simplifai Debt Collection SolutionSimplifai asElevate Your Debt Collection Strategy: Embrace AI-Powered Automation
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43 out of 60
Simplifai Customer Service SolutionSimplifai asRevolutionizing the Customer Experience Landscape with Simplifai's AI Solution
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44 out of 60
Simplifai Document Handling SolutionSimplifai asThe Future of Document Handling: AI-Driven Solutions
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45 out of 60
Simplifai Archiving SolutionSimplifai asLeading the AI Revolution in Data Archiving and Accessibility
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46 out of 60
Simplifai Claims Handling SolutionSimplifai asAI in Claims Processing: Your Key to a Strategic Edge
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47 out of 60
Xe Global Business PaymentsDandelion Payments, Inc., DBA XeMake all your global cross-border payments directly from your Dynamics 365 Finance Enviro
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48 out of 60
Matera Instant PaymentsMatera SystemsO Pix como agente transformador do seu negócio!
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49 out of 60
DTW MateraMatera SystemsSolução de alta performance para garantir a disponibilidade das operações sem limite de escala.
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50 out of 60
DataNimbus FinHub CollectDataNimbus Technologies Pvt. LtdIntelligent collections automation: bill, repayments, premiums and more
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51 out of 60
DataNimbus FinHub PayoutsDataNimbus Technologies Pvt. LtdComposable payouts: Orchestration of money movement at scale
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52 out of 60
DataNimbus Finhub Escrow AutomationDataNimbus Technologies Pvt. LtdEscrow automation: Offer trust as a service
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53 out of 60
Electronic Banking Extension CZIT.integro sp. z o.o.Connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with banks in Czechia and streamline transaction processing
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Business Central
54 out of 60
easyQuorum - DEWOLTERS KLUWER LEGAL SOFTWAREThe 1st dematerialization solution for General Meetings and Boards
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55 out of 60
Malcom Loyalty SolutionQSS Drustvo za softversku tehnologiju d.o.o.Build Trust and Foster Customer Loyalty
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56 out of 60
AMELKIS W365AMELKISCreate your reports, refresh your real-time data in Microsoft Word contained in Amelkis.
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57 out of 60
easyQuorum - US/UKWOLTERS KLUWER LEGAL SOFTWAREThe 1st dematerialization solution for General Meetings and Boards
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58 out of 60
DataNimbus FinHub Corporate-to-bankDataNimbus Technologies Pvt. LtdPowerful, secure, seamless payment API and File conversion with intuitive visual mapping
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59 out of 60
easyQuorum - FRWOLTERS KLUWER LEGAL SOFTWAREThe 1st dematerialization solution for General Meetings and Boards
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60 out of 60