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Apps results for Government
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DiLytics Financial Insight SolutionDiLytics IncFinancial Insight Solution on Microsoft Power BI
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Power BI apps
1 out of 60
ES ParkingEXO S.A.Plataforma totalmente modular para la operación y control del estacionamiento de vehiculos.
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2 out of 60
Ephesoft Semantik for InvoicesEphesoft Inc.Document Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Accounts Payable Invoice Automation
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3 out of 60
Ephesoft Transact for Digital MailroomsEphesoft Inc.Digital Mailroom automated sorting, classification, extraction and routing.
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4 out of 60
Elow CarbonCARBON IMPACTGreen IT solution allowing corporates to reduce their digital carbon footprint
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5 out of 60
Ephesoft Transact for Customer Onboarding (KYC)Ephesoft Inc.Solution for onboarding banking/financial services customers focused on document data extraction.
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6 out of 60
Managed Microsoft TeamsNEC AustraliaManaging health & stability of Microsoft Teams in a simple and unified approach
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7 out of 60
Quantum DocumentNekte S.r.l.L'archivio documentale in cloud per avvocati, studi legali associati, uffici legali e avvocature
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8 out of 60
GeoShieldCybertech Systems & Software, Inc.Real-Time Crime Center on the Cloud
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9 out of 60
GO_AUDITOPENTECH SRLLa Soluzione GO Audit è uno strumento per la gestione del processo di revisione in tutte le sue fasi
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10 out of 60
GO_AcquistiOPENTECH SRLLa soluzione GO Acquisti supporta l’intero processo di “spesa” per la Pubblica Amministrazione
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11 out of 60
GO_ANTICORRUZIONEOPENTECH SRLSoluzione per la gestione del processo di prevenzione della corruzione
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12 out of 60
wocJambhalacloudsolutions BVVirtual Desktop Infrastructure
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13 out of 60
smart cityIQuantela Technologies Private LimitedAn outcomes-focused Smart City enabling platform
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14 out of 60
Yitpro 3 Meses GratisAxsis Tecnologia SA de CVHerramienta para la administración de proyectos
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15 out of 60
PowerRosterVelradaA Microsoft-based solution for workforce forecasting and intelligent shift planning
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Customer Service
Field Service
Power Apps
16 out of 60
Soft Flow - Smart DeskSOFT FLOWSimplify Business Process Automation Targeted for Business Users
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17 out of 60
SMART StreamMint Management TechnologiesAI-driven identity services enabling users to consume streaming content at kiosks or on devices
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18 out of 60
SMART PaymentsMint Management TechnologiesAI-driven Onboarding, Verification, Document Scanning and Presence Management for Identity
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19 out of 60
Court and Justice Case Management for AzureGoPro Ltd.Court & Justice Management Software
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20 out of 60
InMate Needs Assessment SystemMerp Systems IncInmate Needs Assessment Case Management System built using Dynamics 365 and Power Apps Platform
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21 out of 60
Investigative Case Management SystemMerp Systems IncInvestigative Case Management System Built on Dynamics 365/PowerApps
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22 out of 60
TomTom Traffic StatsTomTomTomTom Traffic Stats provides historical road traffic speeds and travel times in over 75 countries.
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23 out of 60
Dynasty - Information and Case ManagementInnofactor FinlandInnofactor Dynasty is a SÄHKE2 certified public sector case and information management suite.
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24 out of 60
Trivadis Crisis Management AppTrivadis AGSecuring business and ensure that your company continues to operate in crisis situations.
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25 out of 60
Trivadis DashboardTrivadis AGMaking the right business decisions and have all relevant information on one dashboard.
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26 out of 60
Trivadis Workforce AppTrivadis AGSucceed in bridging work absences with the Trivadis Workforce App.
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27 out of 60
OnActuate Fraud Protection (SaaS)Onactuate Consulting IncOnActuate Fraud Protection and identity verification solution.
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28 out of 60
Sense Traffic Pulse™ OneAPI Smart City E2EDace IT℠d/b/a Sense Traffic Pulse™Sense Traffic Pulse™ OneAPI - On demand Intelligent Video Analytics, Ai and IoT Suite
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29 out of 60
TRANSITiQ - Smart Solutions for Public TransitEastBanc TechnologiesA better public transportation tools for riders and transit agencies.
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30 out of 60
HxGN OnCall Public Safety PlatformHexagonA modern public safety platform
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31 out of 60
Florian3AM Innovations IncFlorian is the next generation in accountability software for the fire service.
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32 out of 60
ServiceNow HR Service Delivery on AzureServiceNowDeliver your employees the right digital experience from anywhere
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33 out of 60
TELUSGeo ITLevantamiento de peticiones ciudadanas, gestión de compromisos y acciones de gobierno
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34 out of 60
REMTYSGeo ITPlataforma para la creación y gestión del catálogo de Trámites y Servicios Municipales
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35 out of 60
Constellio UDM_ Unified Documents ManagementConstellioUnified document management and automation of content governance app within Office 365
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36 out of 60
PoliceBoxCoeus Software LtdPoliceBox. A flexible frontline digital mobility platform.
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37 out of 60
Plan2OpsINVID, LLCPlan2Ops automates all your Emergency and Business Continuity Plans.
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38 out of 60
Bell Network ArchiverTeleMessageIntegrated with the Bell Canada mobile network. Get a copy of employee SMS/MMS text messages in 365.
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39 out of 60
cepAsseco Central Europe Czech republic, a.s.Enabling citizens to use public services.
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40 out of 60
Modern Workplace Transformation ServiceSteeves and AssociatesConfidently move to the cloud with Steeves and Associates to get the most out of Microsoft 365.
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41 out of 60
ConnectINTEGRATION ARCHITECTS INCConnect is an enterprise-class, policy-based constituent communication platform.
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42 out of 60
InQueueINTEGRATION ARCHITECTS INCSocial distancing, people-queueing solution that integrates with your case management system.
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43 out of 60
CheckInINTEGRATION ARCHITECTS INCConfigurable, web-based, self-service check-in on personal device or tablet.
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44 out of 60
Dassian Solution SuiteDassianEnhances Contract Management, Managerial Accounting, Program Management, and Material Accounting
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45 out of 60
Smart Editiontimeghost.ioThe multi-tenant, ISO9001-certified project management tool for Office 365
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46 out of 60
COVID Vaccine Pre Screening and Booking AssistantPraktice IncCOVID Vaccination Assistant by PrakticeAI to scale your health system's COVID Vaccine administration
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47 out of 60
eZTrackerZuellig Pharma HoldingsBlocking counterfeit medicines and improving supply chain traceability with Blockchain
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48 out of 60
Misign Pro: Secure Digital Ink Solution and SDKMISIGN ASIA PTE. LTD.Secure biometric-enabled signature capture and document signing application and SDK
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49 out of 60
TELUS Network ArchiverTeleMessageIntegrated with the TELUS Canada mobile network. Get a copy of employee SMS text messages in 365
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50 out of 60
O2 Network ArchiverTeleMessageIntegrated with the O2 UK mobile network. Get a copy of employee Mobile Calls/SMS in 365.
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51 out of 60
SmartShare EnterpriseParaDM Company Ltd - 4422413SmartShare Enterprise - Document Management Solution and File Share Solution
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52 out of 60
Managed Skype for BusinessNEC AustraliaManaging health & stability of Skype for Business in a simple and unified approach
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53 out of 60
Soluções de legal data science jurimetriaJoão Pedro Américo - Sociedade Individual de AdvocaciaSoluções legais de legal data science relacionadas
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54 out of 60
DNI Cloud Platform - IDMDotNet Internals ASSAAS for IDM, integration, automations and self-service applications, all managed in one portal.
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55 out of 60
Better Digital Health PlatformBetter d.o.o.Digital transformation suited to healthcare’s needs.
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56 out of 60
NovaceneAI PlatformNovacene AI Corp.AI platform for business users. Digitize, transform, enrich and visualize your data.
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57 out of 60
IT Business Management on AzureServiceNowDeliver enterprise agility for better business outcomes.
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58 out of 60
BerryeSense Softwareberry, an award-winning integrated platform, it has converted business correspondence into a new era
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59 out of 60
ScoutAsiaDC Frontiers Pte Ltd.Get insight into Asia’s corporate landscape
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60 out of 60