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Apps results for Government
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Enghouse Teams Contact Center BI DashboardEnghouse InteractiveEnghouse Teams Contact Center BI Dashboard allows you to simplify the monitoring of your contact cen
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1 out of 60
LegalTrekLegalTrekThe best legal practice management system for your small, botique and medium-sized legal team
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2 out of 60
Traffic Flow OptimizationHAL24KMachine learning solutions for data-driven traffic control
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3 out of 60
Tarasol Correspondence ManagementIN3 TechnologyManage and automate correspondence life cycle from generation to dissemination and archival
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4 out of 60
BuzzDiggr Social Media AnalyticsIN3 TechnologyTap into online conversations around your brand and benchmark against competition
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5 out of 60
Alpha HubAlpha Fin TechEnable 100’s of new and manage current vendors via one standardized interface and dynamic api
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6 out of 60
Intranet News Add-InSteffen Haase Internetprogrammierung ( Sharepoint Online )Intranet "News & Articles" Sharepoint Add-In
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Vendor or Customer Data Import from GUS WebsiteSii Sp. z o.o.Automation of creating a new Vendor or Customer using GUS Website
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8 out of 60
InventoryMODULO SECURITY SOLUTIONSSimplifique a gestão dos ativos da sua organização
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9 out of 60
Catch CloudCATCH LimitedCatch Cloud – your tool chain. Securely delivered in the cloud.
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10 out of 60
Integration MapMODULO SECURITY SOLUTIONSMonitore facilmente dados geoespaciais com mapas personalizados
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11 out of 60
Cloud Spreadsheet Management EvaluationClusterseven LtdThe ability to Risk Assess or Version Compare complex Excel Spreadsheets in minutes
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12 out of 60
IGX™Skylab HoldingA new breed of IoT gateway with a modular design for device connectivity and backhaul capabilities.
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13 out of 60
mobile app reporting presenceIntegrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Mobile application for reporting attendance at work supported on devices with IOS, Android
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14 out of 60
Digital Trust PlatformCraxel IncCraxel's Data Management Solution based on Searchable Encryption Enables Enterprise Data Innovation
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15 out of 60
CDeX (Cyber Defence eXercise Platform)Vector SynergyCDeX i.e. a cyber training system that helps increasing practical skills of Cyber Security Experts.
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16 out of 60
COPLINK XForensic LogicAn intuitive and powerful search engine, purpose-built for law enforcement.
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17 out of 60
FI Model Risk ManagerFI Consulting, Inc.FI's MRM helps financial institutions govern and manage risk of their model portfolios.
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Customer Service
Power Apps
18 out of 60
CALYPS Saniia V2Calyps SACALYPS Saniia : AI and Big Data solution for optimizing planning and scheduling in hospitals
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19 out of 60
MasttMastt Holdings Pty LtdEverything your spreadsheets can't do!
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20 out of 60
Quick ModulesFairfax Imaging, Inc.Quick Modules performs data and electronic capture of information from any form or file.
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21 out of 60
Quick CashierFairfax Imaging, Inc.Quick Modules Cashiering a full-featured cashiering system to process over-the counter payments
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22 out of 60
CTSEVERTEAM-GSManage correspondences in a timely, consistent and efficient manner.
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23 out of 60
Quick PaymentsFairfax Imaging, Inc.Quick Payments a web-based Enterprise ePayment Portal providing state-of-the-art payment processing
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24 out of 60
Reporting-PlattformIMENDOThe Reporting Plattform is a modular and central application for the realization and support of repo
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25 out of 60
Work 121™Abhyutthaan Business Ventures Pvt. ltd.Work 121™ Process Matrix
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Command CenterSafe FleetDigital Evidence Management Platform for Law Enforcement
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27 out of 60
SOFASoftware602 a.s.SOFA
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28 out of 60
Extranet User ManagerEnvision ITExtranet User Manager (EUM) simplifies administration and external-user on boarding in Office 365.
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29 out of 60
Reveron InsightsReveron Consulting Pte. Ltd.A platform to connect, consolidate and manage all Project, Asset and Smart Cities information
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30 out of 60
SecfenseSecfense sp. z o.o.User Access Security Broker
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31 out of 60
Information ManagerAdvellence Solutions AGDie intelligente Software zur Schulverwaltung und Administration.
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32 out of 60
PROSECUTORbyKARPELKARPEL COMPUTERBrowser-based case management system hosted in Azure Government.
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33 out of 60
DIGIT - Urban Governance PlatformeGovernments FoundationDIGIT (Digital Infrastructure for Governance, Impact and Transformation).
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34 out of 60
Mobile Rescuersadesso SESmartphone-based alarming reduces the reanimation-free interval.
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35 out of 60
Open DeclareGIS PEOPLE PTY LTDOpen Declare makes it easier to lodge and inspect political donations.
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36 out of 60
Emergency Reporting Fire/EMS SoftwareBackdraft OpCoEasy-to-use, cloud-based records management software for fire departments and EMS agencies.
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37 out of 60
TAM ProSecured Smart Systems Company SoftwareTAMPro is an advanced web application that automates employee time & attendance tracking.
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38 out of 60
Ichicraft Boardsichicraft b.v.A personal digital workplace for Viva Connections, SharePoint and Teams.
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39 out of 60
Parking management platform - module of smart citySMART-TECH Ltd.Parking Resource Planning is a cloud-based platform – the core of real smart parking.
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40 out of 60
Cibecs Endpoint CloudCibecs International Ltd.Seamlessly manage, backup, protect & migrate your distributed endpoint data & devices.
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41 out of 60
CABiQEastBanc TechnologiesCABiQ is a cloud-based solution for regulators of taxi and ride sharing services in cities.
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42 out of 60
Davyn Social Security Citizen EngagementDavyn LimitedPlatform offering 360° management of Persons, Employers and Service Providers
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43 out of 60
TTEC Digital Solution for Public Records Tracker for Dynamics 365TTEC DigitalAvtex Public Records Tracker provides constituent service through collaboration and communication
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Customer Service
Power Apps
44 out of 60
Getac Digital Evidence Management SoftwareGetac Video SolutionsGetac Enterprise serves as an all inclusive digital evidence management software.
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45 out of 60
Tondo Smart Street Lighting SolutionCloud of Things - IoT Corp.Tondo smart connected street lighting solution, supports a wide range of sensors, fastest to install
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46 out of 60
smartproductivityCloudshiftEnhence Productivity and mobility with no compromise on the security
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47 out of 60
MANUFACTUROAndeaMES for Hi-Tech Emergent Manufacturers
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48 out of 60
X0PA AI AcademiaX0PA AIIntelligent Candidate Selection Platform using AI, ML, RPA & Analytics for Graduate Hiring at Scale
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TramitexIOIP SASGestión Integrada de Correspondencia
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50 out of 60
ArchivoxIOIP SASGestión de Archivo Electrónico: Administración de TRD y Expedientes Electrónicos
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51 out of 60
ELIoT ProCyberus Labs sp. z o.o.Unique, easy-to-use, password-free authentication and communication platform for IoT.
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52 out of 60
wheeboxIntegrated Learning Solution Pvt. Ltd.Wheebox is not just an assessment platform.
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53 out of 60
IDOS - Direct Benefit Transfer ManagementIDOS India Pvt. Ltd.Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Management - Avoid month end stock and subsidy reconciliations.
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54 out of 60
IDOS - Accounting and Financial ManagementIDOS India Pvt. Ltd.IDOS is highly automated and user friendly Accounting Interface deployed on Microsoft Azure Platform
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55 out of 60
Swimlane IncSwimlane IncSwimlane streamlines your incident response through alerts and automated workflows.
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56 out of 60
customer_engagement_portalAricoma Systems a.s.Customer engagement portal is a universal service tool
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57 out of 60
ATL-SaaS-Sample Master LIMSAccelerated Technology Laboratories IncATL offers Sample Master LIMS as a Software-as-a-Service deployment option.
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ATL-SaaS-TITAN LIMSAccelerated Technology Laboratories IncATL offers TITAN LIMS as a Software-as-a-Service deployment option.
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59 out of 60
VAPAR Solutions BaseVAPARSaaS platform that automates the review of pipe inspection CCTV footage videos for water utilities.
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60 out of 60