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Apps results for Healthcare
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Healthcare Access for State GovernmentOptumStreamline eligibility determination and enrollment for your health and human services (HHS) program
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1 out of 60
MHS Assessment InsightsMulti-Health Systems Inc.Combine case management and risk assessments in one easy to use system via Microsoft Power Apps.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
2 out of 60
Almeria Industries MFT - Sftp GatewayALMERIA INDUSTRIES SRLdata transfer between organisations fast and reliable
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Health Language FHIR Terminology ServicesHealth Language, Inc.Single source for managing, maintaining, and mapping healthcare data to ensure optimized performance
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4 out of 60
Business AnalyticsNorthramp LLCOffers a full business and cyber analytics solution
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5 out of 60
Zonka FeedbackZonka Technologies Private LimitedSurvey & Feedback Software for Microsoft Teams to send survey and get alerts.
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
James SoftwareJames Software BVAn electronic patient file system. We develop flexible EPF for various healthcare professions
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7 out of 60
Enterprise Generative AI Security HubAdd Value MachineMeet your compliance and security needs with AddValueMachine’s Enterprise Generative AI Security Hub
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8 out of 60
HealthentiaInnovation Sprint SrlSoftware as Medical Device (SaMD) for medical decision support.
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9 out of 60
Infotronicx Asset Management System SaaSINFOTRONICX™ - INFOTRONICX PRIVATE LIMITEDInfotronicx Asset Management System: Streamline Your Assets with Cutting-Edge SaaS Solution
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10 out of 60
BetterUpBetterup, Inc.Get the most from BetterUp right inside Microsoft Teams.
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11 out of 60
CitiusTech GenAI Payer Agent AssistCitiusTechThis solution helps call center team members provide accurate explanation about a members queries
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12 out of 60
XQ Zero Trust Transfer GatewayXQ Message, Inc.Zero Trust Data Transfer Gateway for VPN Replacement & API protection
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13 out of 60
Data Governance AdvisoryClearsense, Inc.Empowering Data Confidence in our Healthcare Customers
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14 out of 60
EAP Executive PremiumExecutive Software LimitedEAP Executive is the one solution you need to connect what you do to the people that need you
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EAP Executive StarterExecutive Software LimitedEAP Executive is the one solution you need to connect what you do to the people that need you
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16 out of 60
XQ Zero Trust Data VaultXQ Message, Inc.Cloud-based zero trust data access that encapsulates your data and delivers object level security
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17 out of 60
CarelyoSWEDCON18 ABCarelyo Cloud Connect for healthcare providers
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18 out of 60
OneDrive Stale Data Discovery SolutionCastle Ventures CorporationIdentify old data in your OneDrive environment, using last modified thresholds you set
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19 out of 60
CitiusTech Gen AI Smart SearchCitiusTechEmpowers patients to find relevant information about a condition or ailment from providers website
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20 out of 60
LOGEX ConnectorLOGEX B.V.Verbinden Sie auf einfache Weise Excel mit der LOGEX KTR-Software.
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21 out of 60
omnimedicaHigh-Tech Systems & Software SRLModern and advanced platform that transforms how clinics and medical services are managed
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22 out of 60
Dedalus Healthcare Enterprise Content ManagementDEDALUS SPADealus ECM is a digital archive for paper or digital documents like patient files, HR or invoices
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23 out of 60
omnimedica histopath moduleHigh-Tech Systems & Software SRLMedical module developed for and with pathologists
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24 out of 60
Enterprise Generative AI Security HubAdd Value MachineMeet your compliance and security needs with AddValueMachine’s Enterprise Generative AI Security Hub
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25 out of 60
HealthCare Assistant (HCA) s.r.l.Healthcare BigData platform powered by AI and ML
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26 out of 60
KailoFlowKailo MedicalWeb based workflow and generative reporting platform, integrated for diagnostic imaging
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27 out of 60
ibiot_Iiot_temp_Humi_001IdeabytesRemote Live monitoring of Temperature, Humidity, Environmental & Industrial Params using IoT Devices
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28 out of 60
TikloRedapes ABTrack your Tiklo inspections and analytics right within from Microsoft Teams
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29 out of 60
List Rollup by BambooBamboo SolutionsAggregate data from across sites and site collections into a single view
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30 out of 60
Zero Trust Data EmailXQ Message, Inc.A cloud-based solution for organizations meeting compliance and regulatory requirements.
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31 out of 60
Evaluate/Examine Discounts on Azure Subscription for 12 Months moving from AWS (Amazon)THE UNIFIED CLOUD PRIVATE LIMITEDCheck the discounts offered in Azure when you plan to move from AWS .
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32 out of 60
AutomationEdge Hyperautomation PlatformAutomationEdge Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Hyperautomation Platform and Solution for Digital Enterprises
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33 out of 60
Brainspark (Generative AI platform for enterprises)Incedo Inc.Gen AI platform to drive productivity across Software development lifecycle and customer operations.
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34 out of 60
SATT PLATFORM: TRACK & TRACE SOLUTION FOR PHARMASoftGroupEnterprise-Grade Serialization, Aggregation and Compliance powered by Microsoft Azure
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35 out of 60
DQxpertIncedo Inc.AI Platform that lets business users take control of their Data Quality issues and quickly action up
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36 out of 60
Doctor Marketing CloudSekhmet Technology Pvt LimitedMarketing automation platform to engage doctors in a hyper-personalized manner
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37 out of 60
Greenbox for OutlookDiscus Business SolutionsGreenbox is a dynamic DMS that offers integration support for Outlook.
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38 out of 60
Folio3 Advanced Business Intelligence ServicesFolio3 Software Inc.,Gain faster insights from data through data analytics and advanced data visualization
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39 out of 60
CABEM Competency ManagerCabem Technologies LLCCompetency Management and Audit Readiness Tool
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40 out of 60
Customer Engagement for Dynamics 365SolgariExtend Dynamics 365 with Solgari to rapidly handle customer engagement out of the box
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41 out of 60
MediportaMediporta Sp. z o. o.Mediporta to rozwiązanie chmurowe dla gabinetów lekarskich oraz małych i średnich przychodni.
Applicable to:
42 out of 60
Zebra Workcloud CommunicationZebra Technologies CorporationEnable and enhance front-line collaboration with a fully-scalable suite of communication tools.
Applicable to:
43 out of 60
KtoMaLek - Statystyki PlusKAMSOFT SAPrezentacja statystyk plus gromadzonych w ramach sieci aptek.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
44 out of 60
Zebra Workcloud Communication 5GZebra Technologies CorporationEnable and enhance front-line collaboration with a fully-scalable suite of communication tools.
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45 out of 60
smARtr - Small Assets RegisterAkkodis ConsultingManage Small Assets with PowerApps
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46 out of 60
ZEALBOTSChadura Tech Private LimitedVirtual Research Assistant for Universities
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47 out of 60
MetaOPT - Optimization as a ServiceBLUE SKY CREATIONS PTY. LTD.Prescriptive and Predictive Analysis as a Service
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48 out of 60
Student wellbeing check iniyarnCheck in solution for schools to monitor student wellbeing and increase student outcomes
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49 out of 60
Elgin GPT Resolutions for Microsoft 365 Deployment GuideTarot ResolutionsElgin GPT Resolutions for Microsoft 365 Deployment Guide
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50 out of 60
Shift management software for healthcare frontline schedulingShiftlink Inc.Eliminate the time, cost & frustration of filling vacant shifts with shift management software.
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51 out of 60
Kajoo.aiKajoo.aiTransform DX Building with Kajoo, the AI-powered DXC Platform!
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52 out of 60
Zorg ERPAxians HealthcareZorg ERP for Business Central, ERP-software for Healthcare Institutions
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Business Central
53 out of 60
AuroraPrime RMA - China上海耀乘健康科技有限公司Intelligent clinical authoring.
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54 out of 60
AutoscriberAutoscriber BVAutomated clinical note taking for healthcare professionals
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55 out of 60
Zorg ERP - Print ManagementAxians HealthcareAdd-on to Zorg ERP for Business Central, ERP-software for Healthcare Institutions
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Business Central
56 out of 60
Zorg ERP - APIAxians HealthcareAdd-on to Zorg ERP for Business Central, ERP-software for Healthcare Institutions
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Business Central
57 out of 60
Zorg ERP - ContiniaAxians HealthcareAdd-on to Zorg ERP for Business Central, ERP-software for Healthcare Institutions
Applicable to:
Business Central
58 out of 60
AI Masterclass for SMC India GeoTHE UNIFIED CLOUD PRIVATE LIMITEDAI Masterclass presents a transformative approach to support Azure OpenAI Adoption within SMCs.
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59 out of 60
Ai Candidate Assessment - MetaOPTBLUE SKY CREATIONS PTY. LTD.Prescriptive and Predictive Analysis as a Service
Applicable to:
60 out of 60