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Apps results for Financial Services
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FundsQ, the specialist Third-Party Risk Management for the fund management industry.NoviregFundsQ, due diligence in the simple way, speed ups your Third-Party Assessment.
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1 out of 60
Modex Ledger DBModex Technologies SRLEnterprise-grade Blockchain-as-a-Service
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2 out of 60
m+m Media StorageMarkmann + Müller Datensysteme GmbHStore your documents in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
3 out of 60
Integrated Digital Ecosystem as a Service (iDEaaS)™Apptrium, Inc.Invent supports Wealth Management Enterprises as they adapt to digital transformation strategies.
Applicable to:
4 out of 60
VeriChannel Omni-Channel Banking on Microsoft Cloud for Financial ServicesVeriParkEmpowering bank tellers, sellers and advisors to efficiently execute financial transactions
Applicable to:
Customer Service
5 out of 60
TCS Adaptive Knowledge BankTata Consultancy Services Ltd.TCS AKB is a next-gen cognitive platform, which delivers end-to-end knowledge mgmt capabilities
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6 out of 60
eGain Knowledge Hub™ for Microsoft SharePoint OnlineeGain CorporationeGain Knowledge Hub™, the top-rated, analyst awarded AI knowledge platform for customer service
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XPR365 Subscriptions (Basic)ScaptaRegister, manage and invoice your recurring subscriptions easily
Applicable to:
Business Central
8 out of 60
mydocsafe-office365DOCSAFE LIMITEDIntegrate MyDocSafe with Office365 to enable encrypted email, esigning, and portal connectivity.
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9 out of 60
AntWorks CMR+AntWorks Pte LtdCMR+ uses AI and Machine Learning to extract data from text & image documents with high accuracy.
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
Customer Explorer Analytics (an AI-powered customer insights solution) by TredenceTredence IncGet the bigger picture and sharper segmentation with 360° customer data insights.
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11 out of 60
Refinitiv DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Refinitiv chats and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
LivePerson DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect LivePerson data for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
13 out of 60
Quip DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Salesforce Quip chats and documents for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
Symphony DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Symphony chats and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
15 out of 60
Yammer DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Yammer chats and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
Fuze DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Fuze chats and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
Zoom DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Zoom Chat, Meeting and Webinar data for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
18 out of 60
Bloomberg DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Bloomberg terminal chats, IBs and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
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19 out of 60
Webex DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Webex chats, meetings and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
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20 out of 60
Slack DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Slack chats, channels and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
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21 out of 60
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22 out of 60
Numerix FRTBNumerixA high-performance cloud solution for FRTB impact assessments and ongoing regulatory compliance
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23 out of 60
LiveHive for MS DynamicsLiveHive Inc.LiveHive gives you an integrated platform that accelerates the sales process and builds revenue.
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24 out of 60
LEADY.CZ ConnectorInnovative Business s.r.o.It imports data about your website visitors directly into your CRM Leads.
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25 out of 60
Ares LiteInnovative Business s.r.o.Get data from register of economic subjects.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
26 out of 60
Datacastle REDDatacastle CorporationDatacastle protects enterprises from mobile data loss and data breach.
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27 out of 60
JBS Outbound MarketingJBSThe quick and inexpensive development of outbound marketing systems integrated with Dynamics Online
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
28 out of 60
Serbian Language for SerbiaLocalization Consortium for Serbia, Croatia and SloveniaSerbian Language for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users
Applicable to:
Business Central
29 out of 60
MERK.CZ ConnectorInnovative Business s.r.o.Get data about companies from service.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
30 out of 60
Search and Replacenavida Informationssystemenavida's Search and Replace allows to search and replace on all journals and on major master data
Applicable to:
Business Central
New Elements SiteProspector: The CRM ConnectorNew Elements GmbHGet more new leads and new customers with the SiteProspector & Dynamics 365 CRM!
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
32 out of 60
VerityRMSVerity PlatformShare and search VerityRMS content in Microsoft Teams and publish to VerityRMS from Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
INETCO BullzAI Payment Fraud PreventionINETCO Systems LtdAdvanced ML payment fraud protection from fraud and cyber attacks, without false positives.
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34 out of 60
Cloud for LegalPricewaterhousecoopers LLPPwC’s legal industry capabilities, services, and technology experience with Microsoft’s Cloud
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35 out of 60
Cloud Sensor for AzureCorelight Inc.Transform cloud traffic into evidence to stay ahead of ever-changing attacks.
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36 out of 60
M2P Card Issuance PlatformM2P Solution Private LimitedModern Card Platform for every Prepaid, Debit & Credit use cases
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37 out of 60
SilverDAT FastTrackAI®PROMETEIA SPADigitized expertise and computer vision for vehicle condition assessment
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38 out of 60
Floqast EUFloqast, IncFloQast EU is a GDPR-compliant version of the EU-FloQast app for Microsoft Teams
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39 out of 60
FinSenseRecoSense Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.FinSense - Financial Content Intelligence Platform
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40 out of 60
UNFYD.WORKSSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdEnterprise DxP platform, omni-channel collaboration, powered by OpenAI & Cognitive services
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41 out of 60
Cloudware Business Addin for ExcelCloudware, S.A.Addin for integrating invoice and management software Cloudware Business with Excel.
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42 out of 60
Aranda Enterprise Mobility ManagementAranda Software CorporationIntegre funcionalidades avanzadas de gestión de dispositivos móviles, desde una sola plataforma.
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43 out of 60
Betterfront Add-inBetterfront Technologies GmbHThis add-in provides you access to your Betterfront content without interrupting your current work
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44 out of 60
Origen SOLaaS/4 TAX Solution as a service powered by SAP & SynchroOrigen TechnologiesOrigen SOLaaS/4 TAX Solution as a service powered by SAP - all solution components inclusive
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45 out of 60
Automation HeroAutomation Hero, Inc.Intelligently automate any document-centric process with innovative AI technology.
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46 out of 60
UNFYD.LINKSmartConnect Technologies Pvt. LtdEnterprise-grade ticketing/case management platform, ChatGPT powered intelligent process automation
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47 out of 60
Intelligent Communications ManagerMaaz TechnologiesICM AI hybrid chat provides contact centers a consistent Omni-channel customer experience
Applicable to:
Business Central
48 out of 60
TCS BaNCS Cloud for Global Banking PlatformTCS - BaNCSA cloud-native core banking platform with best-of-breed components
Applicable to:
49 out of 60
Confidencial for OutlookConfidencial, IncProtect your data inside and outside your enterprise, all within your Office apps.
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50 out of 60
ModelizyOUISOLStreamlines financial modelling within Excel, especially for project financed transactions
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51 out of 60
eG Enterprise Monitoring Service for Microsoft Azure Virtual DesktopseG InnovationsMonitoring for your Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktops - Simple setup, reports, analytics & diagnosis.
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
CaseworkiQ – Decision Intelligence for case-driven teamsActiveOps plcPredictive analytics to keep case work and SLAs on track. Real-time view, real-time decisions
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53 out of 60
VeriLink - Integration ConnectorsVeriParkFacilitating Integration to Core Banking Systems by out of the box ready to use adapters
Applicable to:
Customer Service
54 out of 60
Claims LettersClaims LettersSimplified communications, with improved efficiency, accuracy, and consistency.
Applicable to:
55 out of 60
Electronic Banking Extension DEIT.integro sp. z o.o.Connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with banks in Germany and streamline transaction processing
Applicable to:
Business Central
56 out of 60
FLW | E-Visor Teams App for frontline workersSynergy Advisors LLCMicrosoft 365 usage, profile, configuration, security, and more for frontline workers
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57 out of 60
InvestivaPredictivaAn autonmous trading platform utilising Deep Reinforcement Learning for financial analysis
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58 out of 60
ActivoXCode Development Indonesia, PTActivo X Fixed Asset Management System (SaaS)
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59 out of 60
Zetaris - Federated Query Engine (SaaS)Zetaris Pty LtdThe SaaS version includes real-time data to allow you to explore and test our platform for 30 days
Applicable to:
60 out of 60