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Apps results for Telecommunications & Media
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Dynamica MailChimp IntegrationDynamica LabsMailChimp Integration with Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
1 out of 60
Anzu PlatformANZU VIRTUAL REALITY LTD.The first programmatic monetization platform that respects gamers
Applicable to:
2 out of 60
ApparoundApparound SpAApparound the all-in-one solution to a successful digital selling.
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
EngageRMEngageRMEngageRM CRM platform enabling fan, partner and community engagement
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
4 out of 60
tyGraph Pulse Analytics for Microsoft 365UnlimitedViz -Makers of tyGraphtyGraph Pulse Reporting and Analytics for Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
5 out of 60
Dynamica SMS IntegrationDynamica LabsTwilio SMS Integration with Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Project Operations
Power Automate
Power Apps
6 out of 60
PSA365 PlusGAC Business SolutionsPSA365 enables project oriented companies to work cost efficient and add value for customers!
Applicable to:
Business Central
7 out of 60
Singula® Subscriber IntelligencePaywizard Group LimitedWe help you find and execute your perfect growth strategy.
Applicable to:
8 out of 60
HubSpot for Microsoft Outlook ContactsHubspot, Inc.Sync data between HubSpot and Microsoft Outlook Contacts (and/or Exchange Contacts)
Applicable to:
9 out of 60
ChattigoChattigo SpAChattigo is a SaaS Chat omnichannel platform with human attention, chatbot and text analytics
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
ProcessFrame QEHSModus ConsultingQuality, Environment, Safety Mngmt System supporting compliance to ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
Sigma CPQSigma SystemsCross-market omni-channel quote and order capture product that defines how your business sells.
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
HalosysSonata Software LtdHalosys is a Unified Enterprise platform to rapidly build and deploy mobile apps on all platforms
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13 out of 60
HubSpot for Microsoft Business CentralHubspot, Inc.Sync customer data between HubSpot and Microsoft Business Central
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
MATRIXX Software Digital Commerce Platform DCPMatrixx Software, Inc.MATRIXX DCP is a 3GPP Compliant Converged Charging System at heart of monetizing 4G and 5G networks
Applicable to:
15 out of 60
ZiftONE PRMZift Solutions, Inc.Grow partners with through-channel marketing automation and partner relationship management (PRM)
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
HindSight Basic Cloud OfferingExacomHindSight records audio, SMS, video, events and more, and makes it easy to find and play records.
Applicable to:
17 out of 60
servicePath CPQ+ for Dynamics 365servicePath (UK) Ltd.CPQ for Technology Providers
Applicable to:
Customer Service
18 out of 60
G-Mana - OTT Dynamic Ad InsertionG-Mana LTDSSAI Server Side Ad Insertion
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
Classified ListingBINARYROOTS PRIVATE LIMITEDA teams app to create internal Buy/Sell Marketplace for your organization
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
Oction+OctupusOpen programmability platforms to deliver infrastructure faster w/o error, reducing costs and TTM.
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Airport CXSimpleway Europe a. s.Simpleway Airport CX is a multi-lingual multi-user display & voice CMS for airports and airlines.
Applicable to:
22 out of 60
UntanglerOctupusUnwrap data to break silos, untangle information using AI, unveil insights for business outcomes.
Applicable to:
23 out of 60
OpenTower iQBentley Systems, IncorporatedCell Tower Digital Twin
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24 out of 60
HCL Augmented Network Automation (ANA) PlatformHCL America Inc_HCLTAutomate and Optimize your 5G/4G Access Network
Applicable to:
25 out of 60
Thinking Machine IT, Cloud & Telecom Cost-Savings PlatformThinking Machine Systems LimitedAI cost-savings platform with automated audits to fix value leakage on your Telco,Cloud& IT services
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
Refinitiv DataParser17a-4 LLCConnector software to collect Refinitiv chats and files for archiving or eDiscovery.
Applicable to:
27 out of 60
Spiff Integration for Dynamics 365 Sales CRMSpiff, Inc.Spiff the leading sales compensation platform automates commission calculations and motivates teams.
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
SpotBay - Gamification and Customer engagement for lead generation.NEONICZ SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITEDGamification to customer engagement platform for increased business and lead generation
Applicable to:
29 out of 60
Smart B/OSS ISM Sync for Dynamics Business CentralETI SoftwareTelecom / Broadband Infrastructure Manager Suite for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
30 out of 60
HyperNet IoT PlatformHyperNym FZ LLCSmart SaaS based Platform using IoT Technologies with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Applicable to:
31 out of 60
Optiva BSS PlatformOptiva Software LtdThe Optiva BSS Platform is an end-to-end customer and revenue management solution
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32 out of 60
ET Land Your FilesEnergy Time LLCMicrosoft Teams integration with SharePoint on-premises
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
Zetaris - Federated Query Engine (SaaS)Zetaris Pty LtdThe SaaS version includes real-time data to allow you to explore and test our platform for 30 days
Applicable to:
34 out of 60
DIRECT! EXTREMEWAMNET Japan K.K.大容量ファイルを高速転送可能なクラウドサービスです。
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35 out of 60
Zuora Revenue on AzureZuoraZuora Revenue, the market-leader to recognize, reconcile and analyze any revenue stream in real time
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
Nokia Data MarketplaceCNS SaaS - Nokia of America CorporationSecure data exchange and AI/ML orchestration with blockchain data marketplace
Applicable to:
37 out of 60
Videospace - Video On-Demand and AI Search PlatformBabboboxVideospace is the next generation Video AI Platform powered by the world’s most advanced search.
Applicable to:
38 out of 60
IDEMIA IDmanageIDEMIAProvisioning, storing and managing trusted identities.
Applicable to:
39 out of 60
tyGraph for AtlasUnlimitedViz -Makers of tyGraphThe tyGraph for Atlas report provides adoption and engagement analytics for Atlas within your Micros
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
40 out of 60
Service for Microsoft Teams Phone - Shared SBCq.beyond AGThis Azure SBC Service connects your Provider SIP Trunk to Microsoft Teams als shared Service
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E ConCentralEconix InfoTech Ltd.Easier & smarter way to work with contract Management
Applicable to:
Business Central
42 out of 60
VSM for Microsoft TeamsVirsaeCentralized performance management and optimization of Microsoft Teams voice and video calls
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43 out of 60
PrimeGlobal Wavenet Pte LtdUnified Messaging Platform for Telco Operators & Communication Service Providers
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44 out of 60
Lifecycle Software BSSLifecycle Software LtdCrush complexity with digital BSS
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45 out of 60
Avalara for Communications for Dynamics 365 FinanceAvalaraAutomate communications tax calculation within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Phone System as a Service for Microsoft Teamsq.beyond AGThis Cloud SBC service connects your provider SIP trunk to Microsoft Teams as a managed service
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
CCS Lifecycle SoftwareLifecycle Software LtdCCS equip telcos to make the most of their network and delight customers while increasing revenue
Applicable to:
48 out of 60
Digital Customer Lifecycle ManagerTecnotree OyjDrive superior customer relationships keeping customer at the epicentre of CSP ecosystem with DCLM
Applicable to:
49 out of 60
CONNECTCONSENSUS ApsEngagement platform with tailored end-user experiences
Applicable to:
50 out of 60
Infosys EquinoxInfosys LtdInfosys Equinox is a headless, human-centric & omnichannel digital commerce platform
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51 out of 60
mAdme Technologies Customer Engagement and CX PlatformMADME TECHNOLOGIES LIMITEDLeading Campaign Orchestration and Management platform for Telco Customer Engagement
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
EI Lifecycle SoftwareLifecycle Software LtdEvent Intelligence monitors network events using artificial intelligence and real-time decisioning
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
SMS APIPAASOO TECHNOLOGY LIMITEDSend your verification and marketing messages to customers at ease
Applicable to:
54 out of 60
Infonova Digital MarketplaceBeyond Now GmbHInfonova Digital Marketplace is a SaaS based solution for businesses who wish to grow revenue fast
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55 out of 60
Tanla Communication ServicesTanla Solutions LimitedTanla Communications
Applicable to:
56 out of 60
Google Ads breakdown by day overview reportWindsor.aiGet a grasp on your Google ads performance with a daily follow up
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
57 out of 60
Google ads Overview Report by Conversions - By Windsor.aiWindsor.aiGoogle ads Conversions Overview Report
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
58 out of 60
Timed Text SpeechTelestream, LLCAutomated video media captions subtitles Full SaaS, no install
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59 out of 60
VenueArcAl Rafay Consulting LLCVenue booking & event management software for performing arts centers
Applicable to:
60 out of 60