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Apps results for Operations & Supply Chain
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BBI for Budgeting & PlanningBLUE BI SRLLa soluzione tailor made per migliorare l’accuratezza delle previsioni
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1 out of 60
Aspen Supply Chain Management (SCM)Aspen Technology IncStrategic Manufacturing Optimization, Sales and Operations Planning/Integrated Business Planning
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2 out of 60
K3 Landed CostK3 Business Technology GroupQuickly determine the sum of expenses associated with shipping a product using K3 Landed Cost.
Applicable to:
Business Central
3 out of 60
incadea Automotive365 Aftersalesincadea GmbHincadea Automotive365 Aftersales integrates the Aftersales processes of a dealership and OEM
Applicable to:
Business Central
4 out of 60
MY Care PSPMY SynergyMy Care PSP: The complete patient pathway administrator!
Applicable to:
Project Service Automation
Power Automate
Power Apps
5 out of 60
Pack-ItFenwickCreate packages from sales and warehouse documents, ready to be shipped with Ship-It
Applicable to:
Business Central
6 out of 60
PazoPazoPazo is a mobile first operations management platform for the deskless or front line workforce.
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7 out of 60
FreightAmigo | 1-stop Supply Chain Finance eMarketPlaceFreightAmigo Services LimitedMake Trade Easier|Only 4 mins to arrange a shipment
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8 out of 60
Ship-It with SmartFreightFenwickEstimate, consign, and track via SmartFreight your packages created by the Pack-It app.
Applicable to:
Business Central
9 out of 60
Quality ManagementPROJEST SPAQuality Management
Applicable to:
Business Central
10 out of 60
PRIME365 Warehouse Device ConnectorVar GroupIl modulo per inserire dati in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central da dispositivi esterni
Applicable to:
Business Central
11 out of 60
Blue Yonder Order ManagementJDA Software - GlobalReinvent experiences through the lens of a customer-centric supply chain
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12 out of 60
Telos Team Wireless Information ManagementTelos Team ApSWIM by Telos Team extends the reach of Business Central to hand-held devices and truck terminals.
Applicable to:
Business Central
13 out of 60
SAP RISE Private Cloud On AzureSAP SESAP RISE Private Cloud offering on Microsoft Azure
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14 out of 60
COSMO Advance PaymentCOSMO CONSULTAssists in the creation and management of debit and credit side prepayments in the DACH region
Applicable to:
Business Central
15 out of 60
EVA Unified Commerce Consulting SprintNew BlackGlobal Brands & Enterprise retailers now can unify touchpoints, empower in-store associates with EVA
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16 out of 60
Op.plaOROBIX SRLProduction Scheduling Software
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17 out of 60
COSMO Advance Payment OPplus IntegrationCOSMO CONSULTFlexible, integrated down payment plans with quick entry, foreign currendy support and tax features
Applicable to:
Business Central
18 out of 60
TRADLINX Ocean Visibility(주)트레드링스TRADLINX Ocean Visibility is a realtime cargo tracking solution for all international shippers
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19 out of 60
3FS THIRD MILLENIUM FLEET SYSTEMProge-Software S.r.l.3FS a world class fleet management systems for car rental companies
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20 out of 60
MODUS M365 Variant ConfiguratorMODUS Consult GmbHVielfältige Artikelvarianten spielend verwalten
Applicable to:
Business Central
21 out of 60
HRP-Extended-LocalizationHRP Europe Kft.It is the extended localization for the Hungarian Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
22 out of 60
Blue GoodsBlue Software ASBlue Goods lets you very easily register Goods Units (as packages, boxes, pallets...)
Applicable to:
Business Central
23 out of 60
tegossuite - NederlandtegosgroupDe totaaloplossing voor de afval- en recyclingindustrie
Applicable to:
Business Central
24 out of 60
酒販向けシステム 拍酒喝采日本システム株式会社酒類卸売・小売様向け販売管理システム
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25 out of 60
Locate2uLOCATE2U PTY LTDLocate2u is a last mile software platform designed for any delivery or service business
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26 out of 60
Vendor on-boarding AutopilotAutopilot Workflow SolutionsNow there is a way to seamlessly manage your vendor onboarding process!
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27 out of 60
SD Stores LogisticsSimply Dynamics LtdStores Logistics App for enhanced order, manifest, delivery routes and load management planning
Applicable to:
Business Central
28 out of 60
contractERPAccess Information Technologies, IncBusiness management for commercial & residential material / construction supply, install, & service.
Applicable to:
Business Central
29 out of 60
Luminate Store ExecutionJDA Software - GlobalDrive customer loyalty and fuel profitable sales with store operations delivered to your fingertip
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30 out of 60
Localization for Brazil - Advanced PackFênix Sistemas e Consultoria Ltda.Localization for Brazil Advanced pack with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
31 out of 60
Fractal SafeStockFractal Analytics Inc.Reduce safety stocks by enabling visibility at optimized service levels
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32 out of 60
SKU Portfolio OptimizationFractal Analytics Inc.The single point of truth for SKU performance indicators
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33 out of 60
Delivery Service Mobile ApplicationSaportif Technology QFZ LLConline food and beverages order mobile application provides great benefit to customers and merchants
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34 out of 60
STH Connector for India's E-Invoice and E-Way BillSafeTraceHub Technologies Pvt LtdE-Invoice and E-Way Bill Connector for Indian Customers of AX 2012, Dynamics F&O
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
35 out of 60
unitop ChamberGOB Software & Systeme GmbH & Co. KGunitop NPO Kammer - optimieren Sie die Daten- und Prozessqualität Ihrer Organisation
Applicable to:
Business Central
36 out of 60
Ecodel Exclusive - Consignor IntegrationEcodelConsignor-integration, der muliggør fragtbookinger via Consignors Shipment Server API.
Applicable to:
Business Central
37 out of 60
Quality ManagementIntelligent SystemsStreamline Quality Control tests, track results, and ensure goods compliance.
Applicable to:
Business Central
38 out of 60
BA4 LogisticsKonica Minolta IT Solutions Czech s.r.o.České lokalizované rozšíření Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central v oblasti procesů logistiky
Applicable to:
Business Central
39 out of 60
TCOG Cloud ScanningTCOGThe modern scanning solution based on Android that optimizes your warehouse and store processes
Applicable to:
Business Central
40 out of 60
Agile Automotive 365Agile Solutions Pvt. Ltd.End-to-end automotive DMS solution connecting distributors & dealers across sales, service & finance
Applicable to:
Business Central
41 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (NL)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
42 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (NO)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
43 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (MX)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
44 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (IT)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
45 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (BE)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
46 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (IS)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
47 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (FI)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
48 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (CA)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
49 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (ES)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
50 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (AU)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
51 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (DK)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
52 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (AT)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
53 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (CH)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
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Business Central
54 out of 60
Vyas Promotions and Billback Management for Dynamics 365Vyas Consulting IncSCM solution for manufacturers to reconcile and settle customer promotion billback claims.
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
55 out of 60
Dynamhex Decarbonization-as-a-ServiceDynamhex, Inc.Dynamhex is a technology platform that instantly measures each city or corporate action’s emissions.
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56 out of 60
ServotionMULTISOFT KFTServotion - Outstanding Field Service
Applicable to:
Business Central
57 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (NZ)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
58 out of 60
Contoso Coffee Demo Dataset (FR)MicrosoftDemo data that you can use to learn how to use the manufacturing capabilities
Applicable to:
Business Central
59 out of 60
visibilityPRODMSproA cloud-based platform AI solution to optimize display compliance on the market
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60 out of 60