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Apps results for Marketing
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Business Card Information Managersolutions direkt Ges für Lösungsentwicklung mbHCollecting personal information data in preparation for ordering Business Cards
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1 out of 60
Twilio SMS & WhatsApp for Dynamics 365 MarketingITSOURCING.TECHAdd text messaging to Dynamics 365 for Marketing to reach, engage & communicate with customers.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
2 out of 60
Email BlasterYuri Shmorgun.Send personal emails to multiple recipients with a few clicks
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
officeatwork | Smart Template for OfficeofficeatworkOne Corporate Template. Limitless Brand Documents.
Applicable to:
4 out of 60
Shopify Store Overview Report - by Windsor.aiWindsor.aiConnect all your Shopify DATA
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Power BI apps
5 out of 60
SimplicateSimplicateVoeg bedrijven, contacten en e-mail makkelijk toe aan Simplicate!
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
SAP Sales and Service CloudSAP SESeamlessly engage with customers in just a few clicks.
Applicable to:
7 out of 60
Exeevo Omnipresence CRMExeevo IncExeevo Omnipresence is one unified CRM cloud-solution for life sciences.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
Customer Voice
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
8 out of 60
ECAL Sync to CalendarECAL Marketing Pty LtdDeliver important, dynamic, personalised and actionable events, directly into calendar.
Applicable to:
9 out of 60
Social Media Management and Listening integrationsOrloSocial Media Management and Listening integrations for BizApps
Social Media Management
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Clay for Dynamics 365 SalesClayFind, enrich, clean, and prioritize accounts and contacts using Clay's integration wit Dynamics 365.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
PincitesPincitesAutomatically review and redline your contracts using your company's preferences
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
eCommerce for Dynamics 365 Finance and OperationsDynamics eShop Inc.eCommerce solution offering real-time integration to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
13 out of 60
Bulk Email to customers and vendorsEOS SolutionsSend bulk email to customers, vendors and contacts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
14 out of 60
company contacts CRMtimeghost-solutionsEasily share, synchronize and manage company contacts in Microsoft Teams.
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Office app
15 out of 60
RocketDocs LaunchPadRocketDocsEnables users to locate content in the RocketDocs platform and insert it into a document.
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16 out of 60
Power AgentsEmployee TwoUse AI models in the cells of your spreadsheet and use your own api keys to save money if desired.
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17 out of 60
crystaliGeniusIntroducing Crystal, the AI-powered Decision Intelligence Tool to analyze your business data
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18 out of 60
Messaging for Dynamics 365 Customer InsightsInfobip d.o.o.Boost marketing campaigns and personalize customer engagement with Infobip WhatsApp and Viber
Applicable to:
19 out of 60
Combine SheetsDEEPAK LOHIAcombine multiple worksheets into one on a click.
Applicable to:
20 out of 60
Analytics for MailchimpDataChantConnect to your Mailchimp account and analyze the performance of your Email marketing in Power BI
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
21 out of 60
PA PEOPLEPHONE APPLI人の検索を効率化・従業員同士のつながりを広げます
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22 out of 60
Aprimo Digital Asset ManagementAprimoAprimo Digital Asset Management (DAM) manages end to end content creation for all marketing needs.
Applicable to:
23 out of 60
slideroomslideroom GmbHThe PowerPoint add-in for designing visual presentations
Applicable to:
24 out of 60
NodeXL Pro INSIGHTS for Twitter - Sample ReportSocial Media Research FoundationNetwork reports on key users, groups, topics, & time periods in collections of Tweets.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
ConnectMELinkPointThe Leading productivity integration for Salesforce. Bring the power of Salesforce into Outlook.
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
Data BuddyAppsense Inc.Data Buddy – Web/HTML Data Extractor for Excel
Applicable to:
27 out of 60
AI Media Plannerad:personam ad:personam’s AI Media Planner, a free media planning tool for programmatic advertising strategies
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28 out of 60
IconUncleiconuncle.comExplain better and faster with professional vector icons.
Applicable to:
29 out of 60
ExpertSlidesES Solutions UGThe secret weapon for your PowerPoint presentation
Applicable to:
30 out of 60
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
31 out of 60
Custom Defined FieldsEOS SolutionsAdd custom fields to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
32 out of 60
TemplateHub Email TemplatesAcrowit, Inc. D.B.A. WittyParrotEmail co-pilot to create, share & use reusable templates and snippets across channels
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
Amazon Sales and Traffic Report by Date - by Windsor.aiWindsor.aiConnect your marketing data from Amazon SP to Power BI
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
34 out of 60
HooplaHoopla Software, Inc.Stream real-time celebration alerts, contests and key insights.
Applicable to:
35 out of 60
Cegid Loop Connector pour OfficeCegid LoopRécupérez les données comptables de vos dossiers pour les insérer dans un document Office.
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
Valorx for SalesforceValorx, Inc.Make Excel the face of your CRM
Applicable to:
37 out of 60
FreeBusyBizLogr, Inc. dba FreeBusyAppointment booking and meeting scheduling with people inside and outside your company
Applicable to:
38 out of 60
Customer Lifecycle ManagerRubikloud TechnologiesCustomer Lifecycle Manager empowers marketers to harness the power of Machine Learning at scale
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39 out of 60
SharePoint|sapiens Modern User InterfaceSharePointSapiensNeeded to use the SharePoint|sapiens Event- or Employee Training Management app on a modern site.
Applicable to:
40 out of 60
Spark SalesSales Enablement Technologies LLCFast, Easy, Strategic Sales Planning
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
Folio3 Amazon Integration ConnectorFolio3 Dynamics AX ServicesConnect your Amazon store & Microsoft Dynamic 365 Business Central to sync and automate data
Applicable to:
Business Central
42 out of 60
ARchitect InteractionsARInsightsQuickly add or update activities in ARchitect directly from Outlook with ARchitect Interactions.
Applicable to:
43 out of 60
officeatwork | Verifier for OfficeofficeatworkClick, Update and Ensure Accuracy in Every Document and Presentation.
Applicable to:
44 out of 60
ChiliCal Co-PilotChili PiperThe only smart scheduler built for customer-facing teams, ChiliCal helps reps book meetings faster.
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
iPlanner reporting tool for Office 365 PlanneriGlobeCreate reports & charts in Excel to manage tasks from your O365 Planner & Teams
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Pickit Images for TeamsPickitSimplify your workflow with easy access to over a million images in Teams
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47 out of 60
Ghostwriter Consultant EditionSmart Barn TechnologiesAdd ChatGPT with a Copilot experience to excellerate your consulting role
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48 out of 60
BurnRate for ExcelCloudNimble, Inc.🔥BurnRate for Excel brings the world's best sales capacity planning to your favorite spreadsheet!
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49 out of 60
Archie CRM for OutlookArchie Europe B.V.Integrate online and mobile Outlook clients with Archie CRM
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50 out of 60
VoxscriptAllwire TechnologiesTalk to Voxscript about YouTube, US Equity News, Images, and Websites!
Applicable to:
51 out of 60
PROS DocumentPROS Inc.Create your PROS document templates using dynamic tags.
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
PickMe - Presentation imagesimazinsSearch and add images, photos, icons and background images for your best presentation.
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
Qvidian for Microsoft Office (EU)Upland Software Inc.RFP, Proposal and Response Management that automates content creation from a single source of truth.
Applicable to:
54 out of 60
UpsalesUpsales Nordic ABGet efficient with your emails when you see everything about your contacts from Upsales
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55 out of 60
Adobe Campaign StandardAdobeOmnichannel marketing platform
Applicable to:
56 out of 60
Workflow Approval App for Microsoft Dynamics Finance & OperationsFolio3 Software Inc.,Approve Workflows on the go through your preferred smartphone or hand-held device
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
Project Operations
Human Resources
57 out of 60
Adjust App Analytics by MetricalistMetricalistTrack mobile marketing metrics, app installs, user retention, campaign performance and app events.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
58 out of 60
MeltwaterMeltwaterSmarter Insights, Faster decisions - AI by Meltwater
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59 out of 60
RedlineRedline Industries LLCAssisted legal review for redlines
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60 out of 60