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Apps results for Analytics
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Coherence Topics & TrendsCall JourneyCoherence organizes complex and unstructured data into topics & trends to produce true insights.
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Power BI apps
1 out of 60
ZF connect@railZFDigital solutions for rail vehicles: monitoring systems and services.
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2 out of 60
Orbital Insight Supply Chain AnalyticsOrbital Insight, Inc.Supply chain visibility and site intelligence
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3 out of 60
Planogram Monitoring汉朔科技股份有限公司Planogram Monitoring is used for watching out-of-shelf items on the shelves
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Power BI apps
4 out of 60
ProconomProconomCDE Proconom is SW for managing construction projects. DMS, workflow, BIM, budget, schedule, BI...
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5 out of 60
Royal HaskoningDHV Aquasuite BURSTRoyal HaskoningDHVAquasuite BURST uses Advanced Analytics to provide actionable insights on drinking water networks
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6 out of 60
Competition Management AppsLaLiga Tech, S.L.Custom sports applications to manage key competition processes digitally and generate new data
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7 out of 60
Aidon OneAidon OyAidon One - service for power grid management, metering work and customer service
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8 out of 60
Intelligent Production OptimizationHMX.aiHelps manufacturers automate planning processes with scenario templates and decision intelligence.
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9 out of 60
PROCESS MINING INVERBISINVERBIS ANALYTICS, S.L.Business process optimization and improvement through process mining
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10 out of 60
みどり合同税理士法人 PowerBI株 式会社みどり合同ホールディングスデータ ビジュアル化ツールPower BI テンプレートを作成します。
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11 out of 60
AirTrack_SaaSAirTrack Software Pty LtdAirTrack provides solutions to aggregate, analyse, and remediate poor IT operational data quality
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12 out of 60
Talview Live ProctoringTalviewTalview offers a wide range of proctoring solutions. Contact us for Remote and Live Proctoring
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13 out of 60
Health Catalyst Data Operating SystemHealth CatalystDeliver insights at the point of care
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14 out of 60
YodiFEM - Sustainability management from energy to workplace intelligenceYodiwoSmart facility management with a focus on energy optimisation, operational efficiency and well-being
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15 out of 60
OMNIdash ICCCNirasys Infotech India Pvt LtdIntegrated Command and Control Centre
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16 out of 60
BePeople: AI Data Experience PlatformOperaLogica srlBePeople Intelligent Data Experience Platform that empowers businesses and Data Storytelling
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17 out of 60
Cloud_DB_DoctorSCSK Minoriソリューションズ株式会社データベースのモニタリング機能に加えプロフェッショナル サービスが利用できる!
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18 out of 60
Empathic Building for Smart Hospital solutionHaltian OyThis solution aims to reduce all small and big tasks which takes focus away from the patient.
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19 out of 60
Optimiza-AGMproOptimizaThe leading system for holding Assembly General Meetings remotely.
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20 out of 60
SBI InTallySpare Brained Ideas ABSolve Common Inventory Availability Questions with SBI InTally
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Business Central
21 out of 60
Toami LiteNSW株式会社IoT導入のファーストステップをサポート
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22 out of 60
XXII CORE - Solution d'analyse vidéo en IAXXIIIntégrée dans votre système de vidéoprotection, XXII CORE décuple votre performance opérationnelle
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23 out of 60
Commerce.AI PlatformCommerce.AIAnalyze and activate unstructured customer experience data from voice, text, chat & video.
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24 out of 60
Virtual Research Environment2AT BVFlexibele, veilige, kost efficiënte onderzoeksomgeving met de juiste software en rekenkracht
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25 out of 60
SEAtS ONE | Home Office UKVI Visa Compliance SolutionSEAtS SoftwareHome Office UKVI Visa Compliance Management Solution for Tier 4 Sponsorship Legal Requirements.
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26 out of 60
Beabloo Digital Signage for BankingBeablooDigital signage is the necessary solution for banking to connect with clients & increase engagement
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27 out of 60
Capstone ESG IoT Platform (Elementum)Capstone Technologies Holdings LLCIoT Platform & consulting services re: use case development for water and energy optimization
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28 out of 60
CGI SatSightCGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o.Platform for automated Earth Observation based monitoring of infrastructures.
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29 out of 60
Deep SecurityGAVBDetecção de uso ou não uso de equipamentos de proteção - EPI
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30 out of 60
InstoreCHERRYPICKSMake retail shops smarter with location intelligence
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31 out of 60
Persona 360DataSentics s.r.o.Accelerate your AI transformation and develop use cases quickly, without reinventing the wheel
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32 out of 60
Databook real-time customer intelligence platformDatabook Labs, Inc. Databook helps GTM teams develop an understanding of their customer and engage as trusted advisor.
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33 out of 60
W-IT HealthWhite ITCHerramientas técnicas para la gestión, medición y monitoreo de sus activos de software y nube
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34 out of 60
HEAL_SaaSHEAL Software Inc.AIOPS based SaaS Solution
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35 out of 60
Customer KYC Validation Product - EntitymatchPosidex Technologies P LtdCustomer Demographic or KYC Info matching in Real-time - Extremely useful for BFSI Sector
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36 out of 60
TAZI Profitability and Rate Monitoring Solution™TAZI AI Systems, Inc.Detect profitable segments, monitor your rates, increase your revenue
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37 out of 60
PORINI DEX Data ExplorerPORINIBots with the Data Catalog feature to help users understand the models
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38 out of 60
Drafter AISIA Phonal TechnologiesGet access to most of the AI solutions for your business using an all-in-one AI Platform
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39 out of 60
ElitSales RecommenderElitmind SPAI-Powered Sales Recommender enables assortment related decisions tailored to customers' needs.
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40 out of 60
REAL (REtail ALlocation)Quantors inc.AI based omnichannel, allocation and replenishment optimization for the Retail industry
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41 out of 60
TrackZero | Embedded Reports & DashboardsLEIRA BILISIM TICARET LIMITED SIRKETIEmbedded Self-Service BI, Data Visualization, Dashboards & Reports Platform
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42 out of 60
Fractal- Integrated Business PlanningFractal Analytics Inc.Transforming Enterprise performance management and planning processes
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43 out of 60
LIDD ConnectLIDD Consultants Inc.Connect software that links Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Generix Solochain WMS
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Business Central
44 out of 60
Tada Production Control TowerTada Cognitive Solutions LLCMaximize your production potential. Optimize labor efficiency and material availability
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45 out of 60
Everstell Profitability SolutionEverstellProfitability Analytics and Cost Allocations
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46 out of 60
採用管理システム sonar ATSThinkings株式会社業界・規模問わず導入実績のあるsonar ATSは、新卒採用、中途採用を統合し管理できる採用管理システムです。煩雑な採用業務を可視化、自動化、効率化し、業務ではなく応募者と向き合う時間が確保できます。
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47 out of 60
PavooqPavooqPavooq: People Analytics platform for Slack
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48 out of 60
Zebra Prescriptive AnalyticsZebra Technologies CorporationDrive retail profits through course corrective actions
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49 out of 60
QVine Soar Business Automation, Data Mgt, AI/MLQVine CorporationProviding turn-key, fully supported software solutions configured to meet customer's specifications
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50 out of 60
DSPTView®MCCORMICKCO LIMITEDCompliance to NHS Digital Data Security Protection Toolkit
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51 out of 60
aZcentricaZaaS Pte LtdA business process automation tools for non coder.
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52 out of 60
FNBAngelaZaaS Pte LtdOperations automations with AI, machine learning and data analytics for F&B SME's
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53 out of 60
Shop AngelaZaaS Pte LtdOperations automations with AI, machine learning and data analytics for Retail SME's
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54 out of 60
Store Location Catchment AnalysisXnFinityGet unique insights about your stores (without retailer data); customers and competitors
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55 out of 60
Cytocast Simulated CellCytocast KftEmpowering Drug Discovery with Cytocast Simulated Cell
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56 out of 60
myDRE: a Trusted Research EnvironmentanDREa B.V.anDREa B.V. offers myDRE which Unburdens and Empowers Research Organizations and their Researchers
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57 out of 60
IoT - Intelligent Factory 4.0bSideSolución de IoT enfocada a la Industria 4.0
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58 out of 60
FaceAPI - Customer VisionbSideReconocimiento facial para análisis de comportamiento de clientes, usuarios o empleados.
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59 out of 60
VaultSpeedVaultspeed NVVaultSpeed provides ultra-automated data transformation
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60 out of 60