Gemini Terrain+

by Volue Technology AS

Gemini Terrain+ is a leading software for the construction industry in the Nordics and beyond.

Gemini Terrain+ is a series of advanced models that are designed to be used in all phases of your construction projects, including planning, engineering, follow-up and documentation of work performed.

Gemini Terrain+ is the leading software for the construction industry in the Nordics and beyond. It is used for the design and construction of infrastructure such as roads and tunnels in challenging environments.

It helps construction businesses and road authorities build infrastructure in the most efficient, secure and sustainable way by calculating takeoffs and mass balance, and administrating all data to and from machines and equipment at site.
By syncing data to the cloud, the software allows multiple users to collaborate on projects and access project data instantly across different locations, without sacrificing performance, speed or security.

Great features and gains from Gemini Terrain+:

• Mass calculation

• Control of quantities

• Improved project economy

• Dynamic models

• Flexibility


• Seamless data flow to cloud storage and collaboration

• Efficient handling of data

• Streamline production

• Visualization


• Critical data made available across project participants

• Fewer errors

• Time-saving functionality

• Tailored functionality

• Proper utilization of expertise

Try it today and see the difference it can make for you and you company.

At a glance