Zippin checkout-free shopping store

by Vcognition Technologies, Inc. (dba Zippin)

Checkout-free store tech enabling retailers to deploy frictionless shopping and cashierless stores

Zippin has developed the next generation of checkout-free shopping technology enabling retailers to quickly deploy frictionless shopping in their stores. Zippin provides autonomous checkout for leading brick & mortar retailers. Our cashierless store solution leverages AI computer vision, machine learning, and sensor fusion technology to create the most convenient shopper experience. Shoppers can zip in and out with their purchases. No more waiting in checkout lines and no need for self-checkout scanners. Zippin technology can be applied to any size or layout of a store or space within a store. There are options to create a Zippin-powered cashierless store by retrofitting an existing space (e.g. one aisle, front of store) within a store or retrofitting an entire store. A standalone store can also be set up to fit into any space using our all-inclusive turnkey modular solution that can include walls, ceiling, and store equipment (gondolas and coolers). Zippin-powered stores are designed for high-throughput stores in high-traffic areas. They can be set up inside grocery and retail stores, office and residential buildings, stadiums, event venues, airports, train stations, malls, etc. Zippin launched its first partner store in 2019 and today powers 5 publicly accessible stores in USA, Brazil, Japan, and Russia with 99.87% real world accuracy. Benefits to retailers include lower labor costs, higher sales per sq ft, streamlined inventory operations, fewer losses due to shoplifting, and ease of installation. Advanced anonymized shopper level analytics is also available.

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