ToolsGroup PriceAI

by ToolsGroup

Dynamic pricing software that optimizes your pricing strategy in real-time using AI

PriceAI | Dynamic Pricing Software & Market Analysis

Price AI is the dynamic pricing software that enables you to adjust prices dynamically in real-time in response to market fluctuations and market uncertainty.

Analyzes granular market data to maximize profitability and competitiveness. Automatically adjusts prices based on market fluctuations and business objectives.

The responsive AI solution analyzes vast amounts of data at the most granular level and considers all factors that influence your business, as well as your specific business objectives, to deliver an optimal pricing strategy that drives growth, profitability and competitiveness in a dynamic market.

Key features:

  • Real-time price optimization
  • AI-powered market analysis
  • Business objective integration
  • Granular data processing

Benefits seen include:

  • 5pp increase in margin
  • 30% reduction in waste
  • 7% increase in sales

At a glance