
by TENTI Tecnologia e Engenharia S.A

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Smartbee increases your company´s productivity using IoT, Bigdata and Analytics

Control your Maintenance Operations

The management of a company's maintenance services is a complex and permanent effort involving multiple and simultaneous actions that are not always coordinated or reach the desired goals. Built to overcome such shortcomings, Smartbee is a technological solution for maintenance management capable of systematically support all company assets at different sites, and organizing corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance actions.

Mobile, interconnected and user friendly

Smartbee was built as an intuitive solution, a plug and play experience for its users. The system integrates with leading ERP systems and has a mobile interface bringing connectivity closer to the assets and allowing real-time monitoring and interaction from anywhere.

Smartbee Capabilities

  • Increases your company´s productivity
  • Reduces operational costs
  • Strategic thinking to increase asset´s life cycles
  • Mobile app

Try Smartbee Today

  • Free Trial Experience
  • Tutorial videos
  • Full functionality available and your own database to try Smartbee!

At a glance