WeChat Archiver

by TeleMessage

Capture all WeChat business chats, messages, calls and store communication in Microsoft 365

Use the TeleMessage connector in the Microsoft 365 compliance center to import and archive WeChat calls, chats, attachments, files, and deleted messages. After you set up and configure a connector, it connects to your organization's TeleMessage account once every day, and imports the mobile communication of employees using the TeleMessage WeChat Phone Archiver or TeleMessage WeChat Cloud Archiver to mailboxes in Microsoft 365.

After WeChat data is stored in user mailboxes, you can apply Microsoft 365 compliance features such as Litigation Hold, Content Search, and Microsoft 365 retention policies to Verizon data. For example, you can search WeChat messages using Content Search or associate the mailbox that contains WeChat messages with a custodian in an Advanced eDiscovery case. Using a WeChat connector to import and archive data in Microsoft 365 can help your organization stay compliant with government and regulatory policies.

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