
by SES-imagotag

Maximize On-Shelf Availability with Captana

A Comprehensive Solution Using IoT, Computer Vision, and AI

Captana transforms retail operations by capturing real-time shelf images and converting them into actionable insights. Its innovative solution ensures optimal shelf availability through the seamless integration of advanced IoT, computer vision, and AI technologies.

Real-Time Shelf Monitoring

Captana captures images directly from shelves and processes them into structured data, providing a clear overview of shelf conditions.

Automated Task Management

Empty shelf slots are detected, triggering tasks through Captana’s task management system. Tasks are delivered via a mobile app, which can also integrate with store handheld devices for streamlined workflows.

Efficient Replenishment Prioritization

By prioritizing replenishment tasks based on individual importance, Captana improves efficiency and shelf availability, leading to increased sales and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Automated Gap Scans

Captana replaces manual gap-scanning processes, reducing the average time from 4.5 hours to as little as 25 minutes.

Put to Light – The Optimized Walkway for Fast and Accurate Replenishment

Captana can flash electronic price tags to help employees quickly and efficiently locate product slots for immediate replenishment.

As part of the Vusion Group, Captana leverages deep expertise in retail store processes and offers extensive integration capabilities with ERP systems from global leaders, ensuring a seamless data exchange.

At a glance