by Saphyre Inc
Saphyre is a FinTech application that leverages AI technology to enhance the Pre/Post trade process.
Saphyre provides applies patented AI technology with a real-time cloud infrastructure to support financial institutions with accurate client reference data in the onboarding and maintenance of funds/accounts, transparency and compliance for trading, and up to 70% efficiencies in post-trade activities.
Saphyre’s app on MS Teams provides the following benefits to our institutional clients:
- Seamless sign-on onto Saphyre’s native application
- The ability to receive real-time push notifications for relevant pre-trade, trading, and post-trade activities
- Real-Time Ready-To-Trade status per fund/account, per broker, per trading instrument, per market and currency
- Daily compliance alerts on Net Asset Value (NAV) termination events based on legal agreements
- Submit Request For Quotes (RFQs) to multiple counterparties, select the bid to execute, and then in a single click allow the counterparty to create a confirmation
- ·With the ability to real-time collaborate on the processing of post-trade confirmations, allocations, collateral management, and settlement
Saphyre structures all pre-trade data and
documents. This information is organized from multilateral private
counterparties: from when a corporate/pension/trust is engaged and is the
ultimate beneficial owner, to asset managers/hedge funds launching a new fund,
to brokers and custodians setting up accounts.
Saphyre makes lengthy, manual custodian packs have 75% of their data pre-filled based on the region, fund type, and custodian in which the account is opened for. Standard Settlement Instructions (SSIs) are collected and then automatically enriched to permissioned broker-dealers in pre-trade, but also automatically populated in post-trade confirmation/allocation activities.
Saphyre’s platform not only maintains memory of the data and documents, which allows for clients not having to search or resubmit this information, it expedites the flow in a structured manner so that it can be consumed and understood by any permissioned counterparty in the finance industry. This allows firms not only to assess risk faster and clearly, but they can speed their onboarding processes, and even eliminate redundant or inefficient processes in the booking, confirmation, and settlement space