Org@work is a SaaS application dedicated to remote work and office management, integrated with Teams
Org@Work is a solution dedicated to the management of work organization that enables employees to submit a provisional schedule filled with a configurable list of working status (On Site, Remote Work, Absence, etc.).
Org@Work is also a solution dedicated to workspace management. When selecting an “On Site” working status, the employee will be able to book a place among the different workspaces through a reservation module.
Planning and workspaces information is shared in real time with the employee’s manager, who has an aggregated view of the provisional schedules of its team. On this basis, and by integrating the framework set by the organization (remote agreement, premises access gauge), the manager is able to whether confirm or modify the schedules submitted.
also provides the organization with a wide range of reporting (team
attendance rates, space occupancy rates), along with significant amount of raw