
by KeyReply Pte Ltd

KeyReply Platform is an industry defining user engagement orchestrator

KeyReply is an AI-powered patient engagement orchestrator that is revolutionizing the healthcare space by enabling Healthcare Providers and Insurers to engage with their customers across a variety of online platforms.

Key Features

AI & Natural Language Technology
Automate and create intelligent interactions with patients by leveraging NLT to interpret and address patients' questions and concerns

Engage patients and support internal staff with applications they already use, such as WhatsApp, Messenger, LINE, mobile apps and Microsoft Teams.

Multilingual & Multimodal
Easily support patients with 60 different languages and dialects through text, voice and video AI

Clinical & Workflow Automation
Streamline healthcare delivery by automating tasks like appointment scheduling, reminders, and PROMs collection and analysis, thus improving efficiency.

At a glance