WebOn HR


Our HRM ERP lets you securely manage personnel info, configure personalised access rights and pay

Streamline your office with a cutting-edge Human Resource Management system! Our completely web-based HRM System provides valuable automation for tedious HR processes, transactions and payroll. Meanwhile, it safeguards data accuracy by only allowing approved workflows to manage those vital updates in the company database.
The HRM Module records and processes data from job applications to leave entitlements, so you can provide timely and accurate services. Recruitment? Check! Training for career growth? Got it covered. Performance reviews and rewards programs tailored just for your team members – yep, that too. Leave requests, and human capital-related processes handled smoothly: yes, and yes!
With Employee Self Service (ESS), employees can easily access and manage their own HR info. Plus, with Manager Self Service (MSS), supervisors get to conduct online transactions while also producing real-time reports. Streamline everything from leave requests to merit increases with our Smart HRM – it’s a total win for any organisation!

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