epShare on Azure by Interica
by Interica Limited
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epShare by Interica
epShare - The E&P ESMS that's smart, agile and supported the world over.
Utilising Microsoft SharePoint, epShare takes advantage of the world leading collaboration and document management platform and customises the experience to meet the complex requirements of E&P data.
epShare is a comprehensive electronic data management system (EDMS) designed to meet the specific requirements of E&P companies leveraging Interica’s subsurface data expertise. epShare leverages a virtualised PPDM taxonomy and GIS searching capability to provide users with a fast efficient and simple way of managing, sharing and interacting with data assets. Deployed on premise, in cloud or as a hybrid approach, epShare is a highly customisable and scalable solution. epShare delivers on many years’ experience in understanding the challenges, managing complex data and promoting best practise data management in E&P organisations globally.
Key Benefits:
- Highly scalable
- Flexible, fast and efficient
- Leverages MS SharePoint functionality
- PPDM virtual taxonomy- for industry standardisation and speed of searching
- GIS enabled- leverages ESRI to spatialise data assets
- Automated metadata capture
- Intuitive filter, selection and data grouping functions
- Highly accurate advanced searching
- Comprehensive security permissions
epShare is a highly flexible solution that can accommodate both Sharepoint Server and Sharepoint Online (MS Office 365).
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