FLEX AI Chatbots Range


Transform user engagement with our comprehensive range of AI Chatbots.

The FLEX AI Chatbot range from ICS.AI provides sophisticated pre-built chatbots to avoid you having to. Our Chatbot range is a best practice Microsoft Bot Framework, Cognitive Services deployment which provides deployment, customisation and automation, FLEX AI puts enterprise class bots into your organisation quickly and efficiently. ICS.AI are the UK’s first Microsoft AI Inner Circle Partner and are proud to have put the first AI chatbot into a Central Government Department, the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) who are responsible for the UK’s AI strategy.
The FLEX AI Chatbot line up consists of
• Employee Services Bot
• HR Services Bot
• Customer Services Bot
• Website Brand Bot
• Citizen Services Bot
• IT Services Bot
• Student Services Bot
• Office 365 Adoption Bot

Each chatbot is designed to seamlessly enhance each user’s ability to self-serve within its chosen sector. Whether it’s requesting holiday, accessing company systems from home, or making customer complaints, we can design a chatbot to accommodate any self-service needs your organisation requires. ICS.AI offers the most advanced AI assistants currently on the market, guaranteeing top quality customer experiences.
Our FLEX AI chatbot range offers 24-hour access to information - anytime, anywhere and on any device, with no training required. Built on the Microsoft platform, all FLEX chatbots come with our unique OneStopBot™ user experience, which means you only talk to one Bot. AI Automation means new capabilities can be added and managed in minutes.
FLEX AI continues to develop new bots optimised for fast deployment, so there will never be a better time to learn about what we have to offer. If you or your organisation are interested in chatbots providing your users with first class service, contact us for a free hands-on demonstration of what FLEX AI’s bots can do. Self-service has never been easier.

At a glance