Connected Factory by ICONICS


Delivers a contextualized view of global plant operations

Manufacturing production, monitoring, and management are heavily dependent on automation to provide consistent workflow and uniform quality. ICONICS software solutions streamline configuration with asset-based organization, OEE metrics, quality monitoring, and reporting. ICONICS Connected Factory solutions deliver real-time visibility, efficiency, and cost reductions by leveraging cloud-based analytics and intelligent edge computing.

Industrial and Manufacturing Managers, Facilities & Operations Managers, and Plant Managers need shorter lead times, greater factory productivity, and increased flexibility in production. While capital budgets limit investment in plant and facility operations technologies, cloud and IoT technologies present the opportunity to save 20% off energy costs, avoid utility surge pricing from energy usage spikes, and use equipment data to target operations management improvements.

Connected Factory on Microsoft Azure enables operators, quality personnel, manufacturing engineers, and management to view quality SPC data and other production parameters impacting product quality. Users can apply any of the extensive set of built-in SPC calculations to any process variable and integrate SPC data into expressions and logic to drive corrective actions based on process trends. Superior visualization, universal connectors, and unique innovation sets ICONICS apart from other vendors.

Customers benefit from ICONICS Connected Factory solutions through increased production output (using existing assets), decreased labor and energy cost, and increased visibility into product quality issues. ICONICS also provides manufacturing solutions for predictive maintenance, remote monitoring, energy management and mixed reality.

Connected Factory capabilities include the following:

  • Asset-based organization - Organize and manage enterprise-wide assets with a graphical hierarchy to visualize and provide insight for all integrated assets.
  • Overall equipment effectiveness - Integrate real-time OEE metrics to provide a comprehensive view of production efficiency and minimize wasted effort and expenses.
  • Quality monitoring - Enable operators, quality personnel, manufacturing engineers, and management to view quality SPC data and other production parameters impacting product quality.
  • High speed historian - Transform operations with insight into trends, patterns and equipment performance using real-time plant and business data.
  • Reporting - Receive scheduled reports automatically via the web, from an HMI screen, or based on user-specified criteria.

“Ahlstrom uses ICONICS on Microsoft Azure to capture plant information from sites around the world and analyze energy consumption per product. This remote monitoring solution enables plant managers to optimize energy cost and production efficiency while also providing insight for regional and executive management teams.”

- Ernie Philp, Ahlstrom-Munksjö

At a glance