by HWS Informationssysteme GmbH
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Azure compatible Identitiy and Access Management with state of the art Multi Factor Authentication
This application is available in English and in German. DoubleClue is an identity and access management platform that integrates with Microsoft Azure. It is meant to protect digital identities, access to MS Azure / O365 products and manage rights and access for your whole workforce. It also includes a secured password manager as well as cloudstorage that allows users to easily encrypt, safe and share confidential data/files online.
Your benefits:
Automate and set up a professional rights and access management using the DoubleClue realtime syncronization with Azure AD. Plus, modern multi factor authentication secures the digital identities of your workforce and prevent hacks by phishing attacks, social engineering and malware that is used to steal passwords and user accounts.
DoubleClue is highly scalable and therefore fitting all organizations from one to thousands of employees.
At a glance