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Engage employees through all your business's ups and downs.
Our solution provides a convenient and continuous approach for engaging people throughout a business.
Over 70% of initiatives fail due to disengagement. Yet, organisations continue to depend on digital engagement channels despite their poor track record. More than half of workers report ignoring digital messages.
Most professionals agree that communication in-person is the most effective. But with limited resources and infrastructure, it requires the right tools to implement at scale.
'teamtogether' allows organisations to harness the potential of these in-person communication in a structured, measurable, and scaleable manner. Organisations use the platform to set up, manage, and guide a network of ambassadors reaching colleagues throughout the business. The platforms keeps entire companies on the same page while collecting actionable insight and data and surfacing areas for intervention.
Our platform has been used in Learning and Development, Organisational Development, Internal Communication and Change Management contexts.
Our platform has been used in Learning and Development, Organisational Development, Internal Communication and Change Management contexts.
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