Cerebra Vision Intelligence
by Flutura Decision Sciences and Analytics
Cerebra Vision: Video Analytics Solutions for Industries | Automated Safety & Quality Inspections
Cerebra Vision Intelligence utilizes images and video streams to detect real-time anomaly occurrences in an Industrial setting. It uses AI and computer vision to create an eagle’s eye view for 24*7 monitoring and enables:
Automated Quality Inspection:
- Conveyor Belt Inspection: Object Counting and Detect Detection
- Packaging Inspection: Defect Detection and Label Inspection
- Surface Defect Detection: Corrosion, pitting, crack detection, etc.
- Welding defect detection using x-ray image processing
Automated Safety Inspection
- HSE Compliance Monitoring: PPE Detection, Mask Detection, Social Distancing Monitoring, etc.
- Zone Management: People Counting and Intrusion Detection
- Abnormal Activity: Falling, Running, or Phone Usage
- Perimeter Surveillance, Vehicle & Number Plate Detection
Real-Time Production Monitoring
- Object counting
- Bottleneck and production sequence monitoring
- Time and motion study
- Industry-specific event detection: Spillage, Leakage, etc
Cerebra VISION notifies concerned personnel for quick and efficient countermeasures. It further generates customized analytical reports across various plants, sites, and zones.
Now get a Free Trial version
of Cerebra VISION under Flutura's new initiative "Experience AI".
Experience AI Program is for people to get hands-on exposure to Flutura's newly
launched AI modules - a VISION Intelligence-based HSE
Anomaly Detector and Quality Inspection web apps. Here you'll be able to upload industrial images and videos to auto-detect PPE
compliance violations, check the ease of deployment, related ROI, and much
Learn More:
About Cerebra VISION: https://www.flutura.com/cerebra/video-analytics
About Product Free Trial: https://www.flutura.com/cerebra/experience-ai
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