Basic profiler offering
by everyoneINVESTED BV
We deliver compliant investment risk profiles, with 23% less dropout during onboarding.
Replace and improve the questionnaire for risk profiling
The Profiler improves in content and in method. In terms of content, the standard investor preferences of long term risk versus reward are enriched with the mid term balance of gains versus losses (as encouraged e.g. by ESMA consultations). In terms of method, the static Q&A-format is upgraded to an interactive, personal and enjoyable proces.
We offer you an API that can be plugged into your existing investor onboarding process, but we can also help you with an accompanying screenflow.
So we don't offer you a traditional a questionnaire, but rather
- Sound methodological underpinning to reveal the user’s preferences
As a bank, asset manager or roboadvisor, you can benefit from our API to enhance your investor onboarding process significantly.
The Profiler turns a legal must-do into a powerful commercial weapon; more profiles with less effort!