Photo WedGifts Generator APP


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Bulk generates 10x15cm PhotoWedGifts from input photos and frames at 300DPI print resolution.

Photo WedGifts Generator APP - PhotoWedGifts (also known as Photo Wedding Gifts Creator APP or Photo Wedding Gifts Generator APP or Bulk Automatic Photo WedGifts Generator APP) is a Windows 10 based APP which bulk processes automatically images of photo frames (.png) and wedding photos (both at 300DPI print resolution) and, as a result, you got photo wedgifts 10x15cm at 300DPI print resolution. Please see the example below. The final gift photo (as .jpg image) depends of good taken wedding photo with proper framing and spaces between people in the photo and the margins of it. The processing of the images are done by powerful Artificial Intelligenge methods based on cloud infrastructure.

This Automatic Photo WedGifts Generator APP (currently we do not offer a Photo WedGifts Generator sdk) is intended for any user that needs to automatically generate photo wedgifts (10x15cm, 300DPI) from pictures of people. The necessary steps are written below, basically for this real time Photo WedGifts Generator APP you download the zip archive file, unzip it, then you may start to install it if you are registered and your trial is active or if you bought a package.

This Automatic Photo WedGifts Generator APP is useful for domains like: photography, e-commerce, fashion, art, etc.

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