Brillio Voice of Customer for Affinity and Loyalty

by Brillio

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Understand What People Are “Saying” About Your Brand And Products

Successful enterprises go beyond metrics like sales figures and satisfaction surveys in order to understand how customers feel about their brand and products. They want to know the level of affinity their brand generates. They want to know how loyal their customers really are. The Brillio Voice of Customer (VOC) for Affinity and Loyalty uses the power of advanced analytics to mine information from all kinds of conversations and interactions to develop meaningful metrics that lead to actionable insights.

Key Benefits

  • Understand true sentiments of important constituencies
  • Achieve deeper engagement through better understanding
  • Distinguishes between customer affinity and loyalty
  • Helps improve product development
  • Delivers more accurate customer segmentation

Key Features

  • Real-time sentiment analysis
  • Tracks sentiment over time
  • Use multiple data sources (internal and external) to generate a truer picture
  • Dashboard provides at-a-glance view on measures that matter most

Brillio VOC for Affinity and Loyalty app gives you real answers to the questions that matter most to your brand and product loyalty, answers that are based on the sum of interactions, not just a few isolated ones.

At a glance