Boxxstep Relationship Mapping - Mutual Action Plans - Win Loss Feedback

by boxxstep

Sell beyond your Champions by aligning your selling with your customers buying committees


Problem 1

Salespeople don't know who and what they need to know about their prospects and sales leaders can't see the gaps in their knowledge.

Why, because there is no way for them to easily capture and review this vital information in CRM and other tools.


Higher rates of lost deals, no decision outcomes and salespeople who miss quota.

Root Cause

CRMs typically lacks the capability to easily and logically capture and visualise the intangibles of an opportunity and account, the who, why, when, when and how.


Boxxstep Advanced opportunity management and Relationship Mapping

Boxxstep complements Dynamics 365 by enabling users to visualise the prospect buying committee by reporting line, politics, contact owner, influence, buying stage and alignment, plus what's important to each buyer.

Our advanced opportunity management ensures your team focus on the customer business problems and needs.

Problem 2

Customer buying committees find buying decisions difficult and rarely have the internal experience or process to buy what you sell.


Decisions take much longer than expected with 40-60% ending with customers doing nothing.

Root Cause

Sales teams struggle to differentiate their propositions and don't do enough to guide and help their customers to navigate the complexity of buying.


Boxxstep Outcome Enablement Plans (or Mutual Action Plans)

Once you know the buying committee and what's important to them, you need to help and enable them. Outcome enablement plans (also known as Mutual Action Plans) are a proven way of improving deal velocity and close rates, but they must be buyer-centric.

Our plans are an online collaboration between both the buyer and seller teams.

By mapping out what needs to be done, by whom and by when to stay on track is a great way of proving that you have the knowledge and experience to help achieve the customers outcomes/goals.

Incorporating relevant insights and content within the plan make it easy for each buyer to discover information that will help them with the job or task at hand.

Boxxstep not only enables you to track the level of individual buyer interaction with the plan it also provides the mechanism for them to rate the quality of information included.

Don't sit back and wait for something to happen, differentiate the buying experience and reduce the number of lost and no-decision deals.

Problem 3

The sales industry is very seller centric and sales teams are slow to learn, evolve and change.


Success rates are lower than they could and should be.

Root Cause

Lack of win-loss analysis from the buyer’s perspective which is the only way for sales teams and sales leaders to learn what they do well and what they need to improve upon.


Boxxstep Sales Performance Feedback

The vast majority in sales leadership state that they see the value in win-loss feedback and they know they should do more, but are limited by time, resource and cost.

At Boxxstep we believe that every won, lost or no-decision deal outcome is an opportunity to learn.

We make it easy to get feedback from across the customers buying committee, so that you get a greater understanding from a group perspective rather than one persons opinion.

By measuring salespeople against core sales engagement skills combined with reasons for customer decisions it enables sales and business leaders to make changes that make a difference.

We’re not stopping there, we working on a fully customisable solution that also analyses feedback by functional personas.

Boxxstep is available in all markets in English language only.

Click on ‘Contact Me’ to learn more or request a demo

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