Inspect AR

by augment IT

Optimize and digitize your inspection process with augmented and mixed reality.

Do you still have manual, paper or Excel based checklists? Are you limited to not have accurate results, lack of traceability and a slow proces?

Inspect AR digitizes your inspection and checklists:
  • Easily create checklist templates via a web interface, mobile app recorder or import them via an Excel template
  • Define manual, recurring or automated tasks for your work force
  • Guide workers to checkpoint using augmented reality (can be enabled / disabled on request)
  • Real-time view on the execution and visual reports (via web or export)
  • Categorize your issues on site and document the state using pictures and commetns
  • Analyze your data and issues over large data sets of inspections
  • Multi-language support for the apps but also your checklist content

The solution focuses on being very easy to use and consists of apps for various devices, a web management tool.  No infrastructure is needed from your side, but you can start standalone. If desired, you can use the API if you want to integrate it into your company and we offer a white-labeling to match your brand.
The mobile frontends run on mobile phones. If you need hands-free support, you can use industrial glasses such as RealWear or Vuzix. For the full 3d experience and guidance use the Microsoft HoloLens 2 app.

The main benefits of customer using these solutions are:
  • Time: work more efficiently 
  • Security: increase the awareness of the field force and ensure the quality of the inspection
  • Real-time Reports: transparency, traceability
  • Data: Gather insights and learn more from your maintenance and inspections
  • Training: be more flexible in your work assignments as you need less training

This application is available in English, German and other languages on request. For German description see this URL:

At a glance