Arvizio Enterprise XR Platform

by Arvizio

Multi-user visualization & collaboration of 3D LiDAR, BIM & CAD models with real-time IoT data.

Arvizio delivers enterprise class AR, MR and VR experiences for Industry 4.0, Digital Twins and AEC utilizing Microsoft HoloLens, XR reality headsets and mobile devices. Our XR Platform offers multi-user remote 3D collaboration, hybrid rendering industry-leading optimization capabilities,  and visualization of complex BIM and CAD models, LiDAR scans and photogrammetry scenes with automatic level of detail (LOD) processing, integrated documentation and real-time IoT data for digital twin scenarios.

The XR Platform supports a wide range of spatial data formats, integration with BIM 360 and Fusion 360, and allows users to import, process and prepare their complex 3D models, integrate seamlessly with existing IT systems and enables local and remote participants to collaborate utilizing live audio and 3D holographic content. The 3D models or reality captures serve as a digital canvas for instrumentation of the digital twin with augmented reality data. Users can easily associate IoT data, documents, images and workflow items with objects in the model.  Models and scans may be aligned on-site to overlay real-world objects with AR data. Arvizio’s XR Platform interfaces to popular cloud, or on premise, IoT data hubs offering the ability to integrate and associate live IoT data with objects in 3D models to create an operational digital twin.

The ability to view and interact with a virtual 3D model serves as an essential, and cost-saving, method to present an object or design without the need for a physical model, identify potential flaws early in the process and provide a positive customer experience.

The Arvizio XR Immerse app operates on Microsoft HoloLens, XR headsets and iOS and Android devices, while XR Director is installed on Windows 10 PCs, GPU-equipped edge compute servers, Azure and cloud deployments.

At a glance