by Ardenna
Automatically generates comprehensive, objective and quantifiable track condition data from imagery
Rail-Inspector, is a cloud-based software that accurately processes and analyzes imagery captured during drone surveys. Rail-Inspector identifies and measures railway features, classifying anomalies and determining the health of railway features, while reporting on areas of concern to railroad decision makers. Some of the track features identified include crossties and their condition, joint bars, fasteners, frogs and switches. Track features measured include rail gage and gaps, tie spacing, tie angle, percent ballast covering ties, and more.
Drone surveys remove the need for possessions and line blocks, ensuring significant cost savings. The breadth of information Rail-Inspector reports from an individual drone survey augments a typical human inspection and simultaneously provides a level of insight into the track health only available using costlier solutions. Track owners benefit from a reduction in maintenance downtime, increased operational efficiency, and improved worker and railroad safety -- all while providing a visual and digital record of rail assets. Once multiple drone surveys have been performed, track health trends can be identified, leading to predictive track maintenance.