Wellbeing Warrior

by Regedor Creations, Unipessoal lda

Our services include a wide range of automated initiatives that bring people together

Running a successful business is all about its people!

85% of employers say that an employee wellbeing program greatly impacts employee engagement, recruitment, retention, and company culture.

The Wellbeing Warrior, optimizes your human resources and leadership practices. Save time by seamlessly connecting Wellbeing Warrior with Microsoft Teams by connecting and engaging your employees with automated initiatives and features:

- Coffee Breaks

- Lunch Roulettes

- Onboarding Buddy Program

- Inclusion Board

- Ask me Anything

- Whistleblower (Anonymous reporting system)

- Pick a random member for a task (eg. meeting moderator)

All the initiatives can be fully customized to match your company culture (including remote and hybrid working models).

Easily integrated with several email clients and messaging systems:

⚡ Light speed setup with Personio

🔐 SSO Authentication with Microsoft

📅 Find the best meetings times by integrating with Microsoft Calendars

Any questions? Contact our support team and we’ll reach back to you as soon as possible

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance