by Pepperlip, Inc.
Get 10,000+ professional, editable, modern infographics and graphic elements now.
Make powerful presentations, learning materials, proposals, and documents with clear, compelling, easy to understand graphics. Build-a-Graphic instantly gives you over 10,000 (and growing) completely editable, fresh infographics and elements like innovative funnel graphics, puzzles, gear diagrams, road graphics, pyramids, isometric graphics, spiral graphics, Venn diagrams, Gantt charts, icons, symbols, and much more.
The Build-a-Graphic add-in works seamlessly within PowerPoint so that you get the graphics you need quickly. Download it now and try it. Search by keyword and filter by pre-built graphics or graphic elements. If you want instant access to entire library, simply click Buy Now and subscribe. All graphics are 100% editable so you can easily edit them.
You can export or copy/paste your new graphics from PowerPoint into almost any software such as Word, Excel, Google Slides, Keynote, Prezi, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Captivate, Articulate
Storyline 360, Rise 60, and Lectora.
- Install and try it for free. Get a subscription if you want to download and edit the graphics and
chunk text.
- All graphics are 100% editable, infinitely scalable, and have very low file sizes. (Almost all
are vector graphics.)
- Search the library to get ideas and find what you need fast.
- Export or copy/paste your new graphics into almost ANY software.
- Make it easy to turn your words and ideas into professional, modern infographics quickly.
App capabilities
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet