Thread for Email
by Expd8 Ltd T/A Thread Software
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Thread for Email - Outlook Add-in for Outlook for Windows / Mac / Web -Requires Thread Legal Product
The Thread Email Add-in provides thread users with the capability to add Outlook emails and attachments to a Thread file when the user is outside of the Thread web application.
Emails: When composing an email in Outlook, with a simple click you can link the email to any file in Thread. In the Thread file, the email appears in the Activity list of the file you specified.
Attachments: Any attachment in an email in your Outlook can also be added to a specified Thread file, seamlessly appearing in the Activity list of that file in Thread.
This is an Office 365 add-in for Microsoft Outlook. It depends on additional service and requires a Thread legal case management application account.
App capabilities
When this app is used, it
- Can send data over the Internet
- This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.
At a glance