AnalyticsGate 365 for Qlik Sense

by akquinet finance & controlling GmbH

(1 ratings)

Load Data to create tables/charts/calcs from Qlik Sense Apps within Excel

The AnalyticsGate 365 Online add-in enables access to the Qlik Sense platform directly from Microsoft Excel.

The add-in integrates Qlik Sense filter logic and enables loading, calculating and expanding data from Qlik Sense apps directly from Excel. After connecting the Qlik data model via the integrated data connector, all standard Excel features can be used in conjunction with the analysis capabilities of Qlik Sense.

The following functions are available:

=Qlik.SenseEV (…)

You can see examples at here under "Sense Functions in Excel":

AnalyticsGate 365 with Qlik Sense offers connectivity to a large number of data management tools including Office 365 SharePoint, AzureStorage, SQL, SAP, Power BI along with many others.

Comprehensive information about AnalyticsGate Qlik.SenseEV formulas and the AnalyticsGate Reporting Suite can be found in the AnalyticsGate 365 Knowledge Base at

The AnalyticsGate 365 Online add-in is provided under the same terms and conditions as other AnalyticsGate software as described here.

This provides the same safety, quality and reliability as the original standalone AnalyticsGate add-in and the complete AnalyticsGate product line.

Use of the AnalyticsGate 365 Online add-in for the browser version of Excel 365 requires access to a Qlik Sense server, either the AnalyticsGate Demonstration Server ( or others using a trail or subscription license (https: // home / contact-us /.

Use of the AnalyticsGate 365 online add-in for the browser version of Excel also requires access to Excel for the web ("Excel for the web") via either a trial ( / try) or subscription license of Office 365.

If either your AnalyticsGate 365 and/or Office 365 Online trial have expired, you will need to purchase subscriptions to continue using these services.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance