ShareControl IFRS 16
by Share Control
Collect and organize your lease contracts and perform calculations in accordance with IFRS 16.
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Manage all your companies leases and contracts in one system, follow up and have full control over changes and renewals.
The solution uses a guided quality registration feature that checks the necessary data before it will be stored in SharePoint. The data for the lease is then uploaded in calculation templates. The calculation basis and metadata can be locked after completion for later auditing. Documents and other relevant information can be stored together with key data for the actual contract. Share the solution with the auditor and get an effective audit of the company’s ongoing IFRS obligations.
ShareControl IFRS 16 utilizes SharePoint metadata to record key information in the lease agreements to be uploaded in the Excel calculations templates in the solution. Accounting memos on specific contracts are stored together with key data and the actual contract. Share with your auditor and start an efficient process to implement IFRS 16.
ShareControl IFRS 16 contains:
- IFRS 16 calculations and access to lease agreements and relevant documentation.
- IFRS 16 obligations for agreements on financial leases.
- Follow-up of all types of contracts.
- Notifications for index adjustments, exercise of options, termination and renewals.
- Overview of changes, setup for reconciliation and notes to the accounts.
- Layout showing changes in period, reconciliations and note information.
- Various search and filter options.
- Knowledge base with eIFRS links.
ShareControl IFRS 16 can also be integrated with your ERP and consolidation system, but requires assistance from Share Control. The solution can also be integrated with Power BI for analyzes and easy access to contracts.
It's recommended that users use Internet Explorer 11 or later, when installing the SharePoint Add-in to a site. Internet Explorer 9 is not fully supported and cannot be used during the first-time setup. All Internet Explorer users should upgrade their browser to version 11 or later for a better experience. Edge is recommended and is included in Windows 10 and later.
This SharePoint Add-in is a "Free Trial" and lasts for 15 days. You'll receive an e-mail half way through with additional information regarding purchase and how to get in contact for purchasing a license.