
by ValidSign

(281 ratings)

Work smarter and more efficient with the ValidSign Word add-in

With intuitive and easy-to-use digital signing solution from ValidSign, documents can be easily, securely and legally signed with a digital signature on any device. The signing requests are sent in your own branding, so you can continue to show your professionalism to the signers. The user also benefits from the improved customer experience and simplified contract management.

Now you can send a document for signature from ValidSign directly from Word. The signers sign the documents from the secure ValidSign environment and the data is stored in KPN's secure data centers.

Speed up the signing process by having your customers sign digitally with ValidSign.


- easy to use

- legally valid

- signed in minutes

- low costs

- accelerate signing

- Safe (encrypted)

- improving the customer experience

- Signing can take place on any device. No additional software download or account is required for the signer to sign through a browser or mobile device.

This add-in is free to download and includes a demo account that is valid for 2 weeks. To request for a demo account you can go to:

After the trial period has expired, you can contact an account manager to discuss the options for you.

This plug-in requires a valid license from ValidSign.

Subscribe today:

Start a free trial:

Call us on +31 (0) 85 303 3676 to schedule for a demo or consultation.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance