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Dugga For Teams

by Dugga

(422 ratings)

Dugga is used in education to create, grade and publish tests and exams.

Dugga is an easy to use, flexible and secure digital platform for all types of tests, exams, home exams, homework, assignments and national tests. Dugga is platform independent and supports Windows, OSX, Chromebook & iPad. With Dugga, schools can obtain a total solution for all types of knowledge assessment. Everything from tests, exams, assignments, homework assignments and diagnostic tasks. We know that no school is the same. Therefore, we have different solutions for different needs.

Sweden’s leading municipalities and schools in digitalization & learning use Dugga. Dugga ensures an objective assessment. We believe that no one should be assessed biased by their appearance, surname, handwriting or in-class behavior. Dugga enables fair assessment.


*Teachers create tests and assignments in a safe and intuitive platform

*Share and collaborate tests and assignments with colleagues

*Possibility for co-assessing and formative feedback

*Make assessment more effective and creative

*Supports BYOD and managed IT environments

*Students make tests and assignments in a safe, secure application using their own device

*Supports offline assessment

*Auto-save function of students’ answers

*Meet students’ special needs by adjustments in tests and assignments with text-to-speech, Immersive Reader, extended test duration, spell check and reading help.

In order to use the account, Dugga needs Tenant Administrator consent in order to use the app.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance

Snapshot 1 of Dugga For Teams
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