Easy Syntax Highlighter
by Tony Roberts
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Code Syntax Highlighting for Word
Apply syntax highlighting to code fragments in your Microsoft Word documents.
- 185 languages and 89 themes.
- Automatic language detection.
- Multi-language code highlighting.
Easy to use. Just select the block of code in your document and press the "Highlight Selection" button.
Choose from 89 different themes and 185 programming languages.
Supported Languages:
- 1c
- Abnf
- AccessLog
- ActionsSript
- Ada
- AngelScript
- Apache
- AppleScript
- Arcade
- Arduino
- ArmAsm
- AsciiDoc
- AspectJ
- AutoHotKey
- AutoIt
- AvrAsm
- Awk
- Axapta
- Bash
- Basic
- Bnf
- BrainFuck
- CMake
- Cal
- CapnProto
- Ceylon
- Clean
- Clojure
- Clojure Repl
- CoffeeScript
- Coq
- Cos
- Cpp
- Crmsh
- Crystal
- Cs
- Csp
- Css
- D
- Dart
- Delphi
- Diff
- Django
- Dns
- DockerFile
- Dos
- DsConfig
- Dts
- Dust
- Ebnf
- Elixir
- Elm
- Erb
- Erlang
- Erlang Repl
- Excel
- FSharp
- Fix
- Flix
- Fortran
- GCode
- Gams
- Gauss
- Gherkin
- Glsl
- Gml
- Go
- Golo
- Gradle
- Groovy
- Haml
- HandleBars
- Haskell
- Haxe
- Hsp
- HtmlBars
- Http
- Hy
- Inform7
- Ini
- Irpf90
- Isbl
- JBoss Cli
- Java
- JavaScript
- Json
- Julia
- Julia Repl
- Kotlin
- Lasso
- Ldif
- Leaf
- Less
- Lisp
- LiveCodeServer
- LiveScript
- Llvm
- Lsl
- Lua
- Makefile
- MarkDown
- Mathematica
- Matlab
- Maxima
- Mel
- Mercury
- Mipsasm
- Mizar
- Mojolicious
- Monkey
- MoonScript
- N1ql
- Nginx
- Nimrod
- Nix
- Nsis
- OCaml
- ObjectiveC
- OpenScad
- Oxygene
- Parser3
- Perl
- Pf
- Pgsql
- Php
- PlainText
- Pony
- Powershell
- Processing
- Profile
- Prolog
- Properties
- Protobuf
- Puppet
- PureBasic
- Python
- Q
- Qml
- R
- ReasonMl
- Rib
- RoboConf
- Routeros
- Rsl
- Ruby
- RulesLanguage
- Rust
- Sas
- Scala
- Scheme
- Scilab
- Scss
- Shell
- Smali
- SmallTalk
- Sml
- Sqf
- Sql
- Stan
- Stata
- Step21
- Stylus
- Subunit
- Swift
- TaggerScript
- Tap
- Tcl
- Tex
- Thrift
- Tp
- Twig
- TypesSript
- VBNet
- VBScript Html
- Vala
- VbScript
- Verilog
- Vhdl
- Vim
- XQuery
- Xl
- Xml
- Yaml
- Zephir
- x86asm
App capabilities
When this app is used, it
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet
At a glance