Ubi Timer

by Ubicomp_Solutions

(11 ratings)

Ubi Timer: Perfect timing and enhanced engagement for PowerPoint presentations.

Ubi Timer: Enhance Your Presentations with Precision and Style

Introducing Ubi Timer, the ultimate PowerPoint add-in that brings a new level of professionalism and engagement to your presentations. With a wide range of customizable features and seamless integration, Ubi Timer is your go-to tool for perfect timing and captivating slides.

Key Features of Ubi Timer:

  • Versatile Modes: Use Ubi Timer in both presentation and edit modes, giving you the flexibility to adapt to your workflow and timing needs.
  • Customizable Settings: Tailor the timer to match your presentation's design and aesthetics. With a plethora of custom options, Ubi Timer ensures that your timing elements seamlessly blend with your slides.
  • Adjustable Size: Resize the timer to fit various screen sizes or go full screen for maximum impact. Ubi Timer intelligently prompts you with an adjustable screen message to ensure optimal visibility.
  • Countdown or Count-up: Choose between countdown or count-up modes based on your presentation requirements. Ubi Timer empowers you to precisely track time as your presentation unfolds.
  • Launch in Edit Mode: Set up and preview the timer directly in edit mode. Enable the "launch automatically" slider, and simply click inside Ubi Timer to initiate count-up or count-down while editing your slides.
  • Quick Launch: Double-click on the timer window in edit mode to swiftly relaunch the timer with pre-set settings. It's a time-saving feature that simplifies your workflow.
  • Alert Sound Notifications: Use alert sounds at designated times to grab attention or indicate important transitions. Ubi Timer allows you to choose and customize alert sounds to create impactful moments.
  • Pause and Restart: Pause and resume the timer effortlessly during your presentation. Clicking on Ubi Timer halts the countdown, and clicking inside the timer restarts it seamlessly, picking up from where it left off.
  • Span Across Slides: Set the timer to span across multiple slides by enabling the "span slides" slider and configuring the starting slide. The timer runs continuously until reaching a slide where the span slider is turned off, eliminating the need for resetting the timer on each slide.
  • Clock Options: Choose between analogue and digital clocks to suit your presentation style and preferences. Ubi Timer offers both options for a personalized touch.
  • Pre-set Messages: With its new feature of pre-set messages and matching background images, you can create visually stunning and impactful slides that will captivate your audience.

License Validation and Seamless Experience:

To access the full features of Ubi Timer, users are required to have a valid license. Users without a license will be redirected to a checkout page where they can easily purchase one. Upon the next launch of the add-in, users will be prompted to validate their license using the email used for purchase and the provided license key.

Ubi Timer is designed for ease of use and effortless customization. It empowers presenters to deliver impactful presentations with precise timing, making a lasting impression on their audience.

Discover the power of Ubi Timer today and elevate your presentations to new heights of professionalism and engagement.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance